
X-Men: First Class / Hell, Yes

I am a total nerd, and so excited for X-Men: First Class that I think it’s turning my husband on. I am excited because these movies are awesome generally, but also because: James McAvoy. I am SO ON BOARD with this casting decision.

And speaking of, I just read this review in Game Informer:

“X-Men: First Class tells the origin story of Magneto and Professor X. However, instead of starring Captain Picard and Ian McGandalf, it features two B-grade Hollywood hunks in these key roles. No matter how this movie turns out, it has to be better than X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Remember when he jumped of a jeep onto a helicopter?!”

Disagree. Disagree so hard. (Points for the Captain Picard reference.) I mean, excuse me, but WOLVERINE WAS AMAZING. And mostly because he jumped out of a jeep onto a helicopter. So there goes that review.

And regarding casting, here’s the thing: Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart in the other movies) is such a lovely person, but so…inscrutable. Not intentionally; just because he’s so wise, and good, and idealistic, and generally unflappably perfect. Kind of like Dr. Drew. And it’ll be fascinating to see someone like James McAvoy, whose emotions are so transparent that he’s basically a bleeding wound whenever he’s on-screen, play such a fantastically beautiful and complex character before wisdom and age have the opportunity to transform him into someone who, while wonderful, isn’t exactly easy to relate to. Fascinating, I say!

Don’t even get me started on Magneto. Heart him.

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