Alum Rock Park San Jose, California
Dress (similar, for $28) Boots (similar)
Camera Bag
Today in Superb Life Choices: wearing 2 1/2 inch heels to hike in the woods. In my defense, “hiking” (and the associated crossing-of-streams) wasn’t on the original schedule; we were just planning a quick picnic lunch in a nearby state park before heading to a party…but then Indy spotted a creek, and:
And stream-fording.
I feel a strong affinity for Goldie Hawn generally – as evidenced by the For-Internet-Purposes name I bestowed upon my daughter – but never more so than in the movie Overboard, where she plays Joanna, a fancy heiress-type who falls off a boat, contracts amnesia, and is then tricked by Kurt Russell into believing that she is his poor, hardworking wife (why this is positioned in the film as a completely acceptable – even adorable! – thing for Kurt Russell’s character to do is another story).
Seriously, could anybody but Goldie Hawn summon up this expression?
She is a revelation.
I don’t even know what this expression is, exactly – I’m going to go with some combination of horror and resignation – but it is genius. And also fairly accurately conveys my own knee-jerk response to things like water-strider-filled bogs and butterflies that might land on me at any moment (SHUDDER).
(I am kidding. I like hiking. I do not very much like hiking in 2 1/2 inch heels, but, hey, at least the ones I wore had…treads? That’s something, right?)