Before we get started: This Wednesday at 8PM EST come hang out on Twitter, where I’ll be chatting family vacations past and present with some other CTMs using the hashtag #AlamoDriveHappy.
Now: let’s talk travel.
My mom, dad and I always traveled together a lot, and kept traveling together way past the age when kids typically enjoy running around the world with their parents. I remember once asking them why they never packed me off to some relative or another so they could take a trip alone together and they said, “Because it’s more fun with you.”
At the time I was a teenager and probably rolled my eyes – goddd you guys are so unromantic – but I get what they were saying now. Because while I do miss (and plan to have) just-us-two trips with Kendrick, once your kids hit the age when they’re actually experiencing things, making memories of their own…you just want them to come along for the ride, I guess. All of the rides.
Ogunquit, October 2014But something I’ve found myself doing – both before we had kids and after – is sort of defaulting to the vacations we’ve always taken. As an example: my parents and I went to Ogunquit, Maine every single summer from the time I was about four. And now Kendrick, Indy, Goldie and I go every summer. We even stay in the same place that my parents and I stayed in when I was little.
And I love Ogunquit, love that hotel, love the lobster rolls most of all…but it’s also just one place, just one set of experiences, and there are so many more to be discovered.

Me, 1983
So many parks to go on that first carousel ride…

Indy, 2014
So many places to find a really great whirly pop.
And so many lakes and pools to get your head wet in when you seriously did not mean (or want) to.
So while I love our go-to spots, I think we’ll try to branch out. All it takes is a little extra foresight, a tiny bit more planning, and it won’t be just the kids experiencing “firsts” – it’ll be all of us, all together.