
Weekend Snapshots: Thanksgiving

That was so fun. 

First of all, not going to lie: I was totally dreading spending a total of 24 hours there and back in a car with a one-year-old. But whether it was the scenery going by, the cozy blanket, or the 100%-of-the-time-presence-of-iPad…whatever, I’ll take it. Because our son was a zen little buttercup from start to finish, and it was fantastic.

I read a book in the car.

A whole book.

In the car!

This is technically Indy’s second Thanksgiving in Ohio, but we’ll go ahead and call it his first, because last time he (all three of us, actually) spent the holiday in this position:

This year: way more lively.

We ate every single thing on our plate…

Did a little walking (complete with dashing smiles and finger-pointing)…

And posed for family photos on the lawn.

Later that night, it was time for an Emergency Lucy Bath.

On Friday, Kendrick and I took advantage of his parents’ offer to hang with Indy (a more accurate description would be to say that we were handed car keys, escorted to the door, and shooed away by two wonderful grandparents who were over-the-moon excited to get some one-on-one time with their grandson), and headed off for a date in Amish Country.

We did a little wine tasting…

Hit up the quilt shops and antique markets in Berlin…

And came home with something that deserves its very own post, because it is awesome. More on that later.

Saturday was maybe my favorite day: Kendrick’s parents took us to Gervasi, a restaurant and winery in Canton that’s only three years old, but looks like a centuries-old stone villa straight out of Tuscany. It’s gorgeous: I want to get married again, have my wedding there, and eat twenty pounds of their bolognese. The food is so good. 

The after-lunch walk by the lake?

Even better.


Oh yes, and then Lucy drove us home.

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