
Tzatziki For Everyone

Leslie served tzatziki dip at Saturday night’s BBQ (I forgot to take a picture, so thanks to Google Images for the one at left), and it got me remembering how much I love the stuff. It’s just the easiest thing ever, can be prepared in advance if you have guests coming, and if you add lots of salt you end up surreptitiously cleaning the plate with your fingers and hoping nobody judges your horrible table manners (as I did on Saturday, ssh).

To make it, just combine the following in a bowl:

1 grated English hothouse cucumber (which, incidentally, is the random vegetable that Indy apparently resembles this week) – make sure to press out the water with paper towels after grating)

1 large tub Greek yogurt (I go for 2% Total)

2 crushed garlic cloves

1 tbsp fresh chopped dill

Drizzle of olive oil

Squeeze of lemon

Salt & pepper to taste

Serve alongside warm pita triangles, thin slices of garlic crostini, or sliced vegetables.

(Click here for a Cucumber, Yogurt & Dill salad that’s really just tzatziki in a different – and very pretty – shape.)

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