
Two Fun (And Gift-able!) Books

1. Christoph Neimann’s I Lego New York, a board book filled with the award-winning illustrator’s city vignettes (which also can be found on his NY Times blog, Abstract City.

A sampling:

2. The Gallery of Regrettable Foods, a collection of “poorly photographed foodstuffs and horrid recipes” from the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s (including Meat Pie with Meat Crust and Baked Peppers with Creamy Marshmallow Sauce). There’s also a blog; check it out here.

I want this book very, very badly. (FYI, author James Lilek’s other works include Interior Desecrations: Hideous Homes From The Horrible ’70s, and Mommy Knows Worst: Highlights from the Golden Age of Bad Parenting Advice.)

In a similar vein, I also highly recommend picking up Cake Wrecks, which includes the very genius “It A Gril” cake.

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