
TJ Maxx / Fall Trends

From the TJ Maxx/Marshall’s Fall 2011 Trends Preview at the Griffin Hotel, I present to you…

What you’ll be wearing five months from now (or at least, what you’ll be wearing if you shop at TJ Maxx/Marshall’s).

Vintage-y floral blouses with feminine details

Textured ponchos (yessss!)

Art deco jewelry with tassel detailing

Whatever coat you want, really (tons of fabrics and silhouettes on display)

Leopard everything (god willing, I say)

and one hell of a gold dress.

One more thing: you all know by now that I am obsessively in love with TJ’s, but what I’m not sure I’ve mentioned is that my favorite part – well, after the Runway section – is the home stuff. If you’ve never partaken of this particular aisle, take my word for it: TREASURE TROVE for things like hostess and birthday gifts. There are tons of interesting soaps, bath oils and such, all of it gorgeously packaged, and all of it in the $5 range (for things that look like they should cost about $30).

Usually, though, the brands are ones I’ve never heard of, which in my experience is kind of unusual for discount merchandise. I asked the reps at the event about this, and they explained that their buyers purchase stock from artisanal/boutique brands all over the world – so they may have soaps from England one week, and oils from Russia the next. Just a neat little FYI.

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