
The Last Whoopie Pie

While scrounging through my parents’ freezer in search of potential dinner components, we stumbled across something kind of neat, but mostly gross: a whoopie pie that it seems Mom and Dad saved from our wedding. That would be an event that took place nearly two years ago.

Last year, on our anniversary, we broke out the whoopie pie that we had set aside for the occasion, but while Kendrick tried it and declared it semi-edible, I demurred (fuzz is not something I enjoy on my desserts). This time, we sort of cooed at the thing, did a second or two of reminiscing…and into the trash it went.

This, by the way, was the whoopie pie tower we had at our wedding. I thought the presentation was…well, sort of hideous…but the cake was one of the elements of the wedding that I couldn’t have possibly cared less about. I wanted something that tasted good, was sort of unique and tailored to the location (Ogunquit is famous for whoopie pies, for some reason), and was reasonably priced (I think it was in the ballpark of $200). That’s how I think these often ridiculously expensive, madly overwrought monstrosities we call weddings should be approached: pick three or four things that matter to you a lot (for us, it was the music, the ceremony, the photographer, and the food), and leave the rest to fall as it may. Perfection is so not the point…in weddings, or in life.

P.S. If you’d like to try whipping up some whoopie pies yourself, this is a pretty fantastic cookbook with lots of fun flavor combos.

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