Makeup & Beauty

The Five Commandments Of Skincare

1. Drink All The Water In The World (And Then Drink Some More). You know how whenever a magazine interviews a supermodel she’s all “Oh, my secret is water,” and you think “Yuh-huh. Your secret is GENETICS.” Well, the genetics thing might be a big one, but water? Also big. Maybe the biggest.

Drink it all. All of it, I say! (Then drink more.)

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2. Don’t Focus Only On The Face. Sure, your face is where the first wrinkles show up, but you know what else shows signs of aging like crazy? The thin skin on your chest and on the backs of your hands. They’re exposed to the sun almost as frequently as your face is, but don’t get nearly as much protection in the way of products (moisturizer, makeup, et cetera).

There are products geared specifically towards caring for these delicate areas, but I’m already crunched enough for time without adding another step to my morning and evening routine, so I just always make sure to rub a little extra of whatever product (pictured: StriVectinLABS Extreme Cream) I’m using on my face into my hands and chest as well. Every bit helps, right?

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3. Take Five Minutes A Week For An Intensive Treatment. When I was pregnant, there were lots of things whose absence in my life I mourned. Wine, obviously. Sushi. Red Bull. The ability to wear non-spandex-inclusive pants. But something a little less obvious that I really missed: alpha-hydroxy acid peels. I’ve sworn by them for years; they make an immediate and dramatic difference in your skin’s texture and appearance.

For my first post-pregnancy treatment, I picked StriVectinLABS 5 Minute Weekly Glycolic Peel (from their new line geared at bringing professional-level treatments into the home). It contains the highest level of AHA acid available without a prescription (wheeeee), and tingles a bit when it goes on…which is an excellent thing in my book, as I rather love getting that YES THIS IS TOTALLY WORKING feeling from my skincare products. The immediate result: more radiant skin and diminished fine lines.

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4. Tailor Your Moisture To The Time Of Day. I’m all about maximum moisture, but definitely go for different products in the morning (when I choose lighter-textured, SPF-containing formulas) and evening (when I go for more intensive anti-aging treatments and higher moisture levels). I’m super, super, suuuuper into oils applied before bedtime at the moment – seriously, if you’ve never tried this, you have to: the right product will absorb instantly, and come morning, you’ll see noticeably softer, more radiant skin.

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5. Sleep And Sleep And Sleep. I mean, I don’t. But goodness, does it ever make a difference in how your skin looks. If you don’t have a newborn in residence at a moment, please do a little extra sleeping for me.

Bonus! Receive a free full-sized StriVectin Anti-Wrinkle Hydra Gel Treatment with promo code PATCH15. Shop StriVectin here.

This post was created in collaboration with StriVectinLABS.

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