Posts Tagged: Weekend Snapshots


Weekend Snapshots: Best Show On Earth Edition

I mean...Aerosmith was great and all, but this?

This is my kind of show.

(If it sounds like I'm being facetious, let me assure you: not.)

I first became a Yo Gabba Gabba superfan when Indy was around five months old and I discovered that not only was he completely transfixed by the adventures of DJ Lance Rock and crew to the point where I could easily make it through a conference call, a sandwich, and/or a shower (and even a plane ride)...but that the music is actually...


Weekend Snapshots: With The Girls

I had kind of a lot of fun this weekend.

First of all, I went out. I mean, not really "out", more like Francesca was staying at our place for the night, and after dinner we started talking about maybe going out for a drink somewhere, and I said "but it's 8PM", and she looked at me like I was a crazy person.

And so I put on my new heels and threw my wallet into my purse, and Francesca looked at me like I was a crazy person again and said, "Jordan, you need to put on pants."

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