Posts Tagged: TJ Maxx is a sponsor of Ramshackle Glam


New Use For An Old Thing: Silverware Organizer

I'm pretty proud of my kitchen drawers.

They're the one storage area in the house that's actually the size we need it to be, and - against all odds - I've managed to keep them relatively organized...mostly because every inch of them is filled with things that divide and conquer all the mess, like teacups, salt bowls, baby food jars, and silverware organizers. I have a silverware organizer in both drawers, actually - even the one that doesn't hold silverware - because they're just so handy for arranging smallish items like serving utensils, bibs, pens, and tape dispensers.

But the uses for silverware organizers (like the pretty one pictured above) don't end in the kitchen! No no. Want to see?!

DIY Projects

New Uses For An Old Thing: Cake Plate

Cake plates are one of those things that are just so fun to collect: I’ve found them at thrift stores and flea markets, and even dyed a clear cake plate red to make my own Depression Glass as part of a JITH episode. But, as we know, I’m also fairly terrible at cake-baking…and so that raises the question: what to do with all those pretty plates?

This cake plate (discovered a couple of weeks ago at T.J.Maxx) was too cute not to play with.

Garden Decor: A simple white cake plate topped with mismatched candles makes an unusual - and atmospheric - addition to your backyard.

My Looks

One Shirt, Three Ways: Black And White (Sort Of) Tie-Dye

You know this orange blouse? It ended up being one of those pieces that I didn't necessarily expect to wear constantly - I mean, it's really orange - but the shape was so great (relaxed with a gold zipper neckline detail) that I found myself reaching for it over and over and over. And when you find a wearable piece in a silhouette that you love, my general rule is that you should pick up more than one; the things that you really wear are the things that are worth investing in (especially when they're priced so well that they're not really an investment at all).

So: black and white it was.

Three ways I've been wearing this (sort of) tie-dyed blouse:


Into The Woods

The fact that Sunday felt more like a really beautiful day in October than almost-June stymied my plans to spend at least part of my birthday passed out in the sun at our local pool.

So we improvised with a walk through the woods.

Remember how I said way back when we were thinking of moving that one of the reasons I wanted to leave the city was because I wanted us to be able to go fishing not because it was a huge event involving rental cars and long drives, but just because that's what we feel like doing? This is exactly what I meant.

To get a chance to walk through any non-Central Park woods used to involve some fairly considerable planning, as well as a train or a car or a bus...or all three. And so I never did it. Ever.

My Looks

Coming Up Roses

What I wore for Mother's Day dinner (at our local hibachi place, of course): a simple summer dress with fun details that I picked up for $19.50 at the mall, and then lightened up even more with white and rose-gold accessories.

We chose hibachi because we like it - obviously; that stuff is delicious - but also because convincing a toddler to sit still for the entire duration of a meal can be tough...but is made exponentially easier by the presence of flying eggs and fire.

My favorite part: the bright-pink lipstick (YSL Rouge Volupte Shine in Devotion). I love the pairing of mint green and bright pink - so fresh and springy.


One Shirt, Three Ways

When it comes to investing in a piece that you can wear over and over (and over), there's nothing like a good striped shirt. I look for tops that are lightweight and not-too-tight...but whatever your personal favorite fit is, once you find it in striped-shirt form you can take it everywhere. 

For example:

My Looks

Kate Hudson Capsule Collection For Ann Taylor

I did an interview last week during which the reporter asked me who my "celebrity style icon" was, and I was sort of flummoxed. I even almost automatically blurted out "Audrey Hepburn" just because she seems to be the de facto "style icon" who people mention in interviews, even though there are probably few celebrities on the planet whose style resembles mine less.

I do not do ballet flats and pearls particularly well, nor am I pixieishly adorable. C'est la vie.

So I free-associated for a minute, thinking about which red carpet dresses pop instantly into my mind as all-time favorites, and came up with Cate Blanchett's 1999 John Galliano, Cameron Diaz's 2002 Ungaro, Michelle Williams' 2006 Vera Wang, Kate Hudson in that white dress, Kate Hudson in that gold dress, Kate Hudson in that flowery Valentino she wore to the Oscars that one time, and Kate Hudson every time she's ever appeared on The Late Show. Or anywhere, generally.

So: Kate Hudson it was.

DIY Projects

Herb Garden Success (So Far)

Gardening Week on Ramshackle Glam continues, this time with my very first herb garden.

Well, second, actually. But I don't think we should count the thing that I stuck in the ground outside my house in Los Angeles, completely forgot about, and killed within about 72 hours.

As of this morning it's been nearly 146 hours since I planted the pots pictured here, and so far, so good.

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