Posts Tagged: Gift Guide


The Ramshackle Glam Gift Guide For Guys

All together, now: Shopping for guy gifts is the worst. Whiskey cubes! Cuff links! Tiny "Zen" boxes of dirt that one must theoretically groom, for calmness or something. It's just the same stuff, over and over and over, and if the men in your life are anything like the men in mine, they are zero help ("What do you want for Christmas?" "Oh, you know...whatever.").

This stuff? Is not the same stuff.


The Ramshackle Glam BFF Holiday Gift Guide

When I first started blogging - during the Wild West years - it was a time when bloggers were virtually showered with swag. Everything from champagne to deodorant arrived on my doorstep - unsolicited - on the regular, and every time my fellow blogger friends and I attended an "event", we were sent off with bags overflowing with moisturizers and chocolates and sunglasses and what have you. See, brands were still trying to figure out how to harness this newfangled thing called "social media," and the initial plan was apparently to throw their stuff at the wall and see what stuck. In other words, for the relatively low cost of wholesale product, they hoped that they'd get what amounted to free coverage (at least relative to what they'd pay for traditional media).

This was obviously REALLY fun in the beginning. Overwhelming, even. But honestly? Over time, another lip gloss in your mailbox just stops being exciting, and starts being just another thing you don't need. What this meant: I became the actual best gift-giver on Planet Earth, sifting through my stash for the just-right gifts for everyone in my life - gifts, suffice it to say, that I would never, ever have been able to afford all on my lonesome.

Now, the industry shifted several years ago towards a more traditional pay-for-play approach - as did my personal business model, wherein I only accept product from clients I'm contracted to work with or otherwise intend to review for the site - but the fact that I love giving my friends gifts: That stayed. There's just nothing like it.


The Ramshackle Glam Gift Guide For Kids (That Parents Won’t Hate)

I can be very Grinchy when it comes to my kids' toys. It's one of those "Well, when I was a kid..." things - because when I was a kid, you know what I had? A cabinet for my toys, and exactly the number of toys that could fit into that cabinet. Maybe it was the fact that we lived in a small apartment or maybe my parents were just Grinchy, too, but I'm totally of the school of thought that when it comes to toys, less is more. You spend more time with each one; you get more creative with how you play; you create actual relationships between yourself and your possessions, a la the Velveteen Rabbit (sob).

Which means that the overflow of stuff that my kids get every Christmas, what with the multiple Christmases celebrated at multiple locations throughout the country with multiple pockets of relatives makes me, like I said...



The Ultimate CBD Gift Guide

CBD: That thing that everyone kiiiiinda thought was a mild form of pot for awhile, and now has become a wellness staple even your grandmother can get on board with.

A quick primer: CBD stands for cannabidiol, a compound found naturally in hemp plants and distinct from THC (which is what creates the psychoactive effect). Cannabinoids work with a series of receptors in your body that perform jobs like regulating your anti-inflammatory response, immune system, appetite, mood, anxiety levels, sleep schedule, and so on. Unlike THC, CBD won't get you "high" in the sense of being intoxicated - but countless studies have shown that it promotes a sense of peace and well-being akin to what you experience when, say, you're singing along to your favorite song on the radio.

A natural high. Doesn't that sound lovely?


Holiday Gift Guide: For The Home Decor Junkie

Home contributor Audrey deploys her exquisite taste to help you shop for the stylish homebodies in your life.

Shopping for an interior design guru can be more than a little intimidating. The desire to find something truly unique, purposeful, and stylish can definitely be overwhelming, but with so many wonderfully curated home décor shops and a plethora of highly skilled artisans creating distinctive home goods, it’s easier than ever to find something for the person who doesn’t want their house to look like everyone else’s.

After dedicating this year to designing, renovating, and styling our new home, I feel like I’ve seen it all. I’ve compiled a list of my favorite finds just in case you find yourself shopping for someone who loves home décor this holiday season! 


The Fancy Pregnant Person Gift Guide

What pregnant people need are wipes, and diapers. Oh, and this book. But if they don't have children yet, they don't understand that really all they need are wipes and diapers. And if they do have children already, they might want a moment in their life that doesn't involve wipes and diapers.

So. Maybe consider giving them one of these things.


A Mother’s Day Gift Guide That Has Nothing To Do With Being A Mother

This Mother's Day, you know what I want? Something that has absolutely nothing to do with my children or my status as a parent. In other words: if there is an item that explicitly expresses the belief that I am the best mother in the world, I do not need to own it. What I need is confirmation of this fact via jewelry and/or the elimination of muscle tension.

In case you're looking for some inspiration, or just need a handy link to forward to the person in your own life who definitely should be reminded that Mother's Day is SUNDAY, MAY 13, and that you are perfect and spectacular and eminently deserving of presents and mimosas in bed (write it down, set an alarm, make it happen)...

Here you go.

Makeup & Beauty

I Put Together A Stocking For You

Trying out a fun new tool for this segment where you can click right on the video to go to the products that interest you - let me know what you think??

Also: goodness I am excited about these stocking stuffers (which, incidentally, are not just for the ladies; there's some great guy stuff in there too). One of them is even inspired by my new ink, and another is inspired by the fact that my feet are tragic.

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