Posts Tagged: Day Trip


Day Trip: Tarrytown, N.Y.

Tarrytown is another one of those day trips from NYC that's so easy that it almost doesn't feel like a "trip" at all: 15 bucks and 50 minutes on the MetroNorth from Grand Central, a three-minute walk up the hill from the train station, and you're there.

We went yesterday because it's one of the towns on the shortlist of Places We're Thinking About Moving To Within The Next Year Or So (along with Irvington and some of the other neighboring towns), and also because...well, let's be honest: it was probably the last day trip I have in me for awhile (just walking up the hill made me so tired that I could easily have fallen asleep under the table during lunch).

In a nutshell, Tarrytown is a relaxed place with a bit of a hippie vibe and lots of organic/sustainable foodie options, plus some nice antiquing and pretty historical sightseeing (like Washington Irving's home and one of the oldest surviving theaters in Westchester County).

To-dos in Tarrytown:


Weekend Snapshots

Whenever we drive up to Maine, we try to leave some time for pit stops along the way. This time, we hit Cambridge just around 2PM, so we thought we'd stop in for lunch and to say hi to my old dorm (sort of pictured above).


NYC Dates Under $50

Q. Jordan:

First of all, congratulations on the pregnancy! As a long-time reader of your blog, I can't wait to see this adorable new person that you will bring into the world, and I just know that you'll be such a fun and loving mom.

I'm looking for some date-destination advice. My husband and I are long-time NYC residents and the recession has been hitting our recreational budget hard. We love the outdoors and would usually be planning kayaking and hiking adventures throughout the summer, but with the cost of gas lately, I just don't see that as being very prudent. I was wondering (and perhaps your other readers might be interested, too) if you and Kendrick have any local go-to spots when you're looking to spend some time together without spending more than $50.  The museum-and-a-cafe route hasn't been cutting it lately.

Thanks for all the entertainment, sincerity and recipes I've found on Ramshackleglam. :)

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