Posts Tagged: 44 & X


Ooh, Steak Sandwich

This is really spectacularly good. It's the filet mignon steak sandwich at 44 & X, and it's what I ate yesterday for lunch.

If you make one at home (recommended! only a few weeks of summer grilling opportunities left!), choose the meat according to your preference (filet mignon = tender and fancy; shell steak = chewier and less pricey), and definitely serve it on a very fluffy bun with caramelized onions, sauteed spinach, and maybe some cheese and mushrooms, for bonus points.


Holiday Adventures With Lucy

I spent the afternoon getting holiday makeup tips from Taymour over at Paul Labrecque (more on that to come), and the purples and golds that he layered onto my lids inspired my wine-hued outfit for the evening's events (the Toys for Dogs Humane Society Benefit followed by a holiday party at 44 1/2).

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