Last night, I dreamed that a reader wrote in, saying that at her holiday office party there had been tons of leftover tinsel garlands strewn about, and that she wanted to know if I had any interesting ideas for how to incorporate tinsel garlands into holiday decor.
(I really did dream this. I am nocturnally odd as of late. Also, I think it’s kind of cute that I so look forward to hearing from you guys that you’ve started showing up in my dreams.)
Anyway, in my dream I posted the reader question, and all sorts of great ideas popped up in the comments. When I woke up, I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes so that I’d be certain to recall at least a few of the ideas (this is a good dream-recollection technique, by the way: just keep your eyes closed and try to stay in the dream for a few moments after waking), and from what I remember they included making a DIY wreath, winding the garlands through the rungs of bookshelves, using them as light pulls, and adding little pieces to updos.
But since I was dreaming…I suppose that makes those…my ideas? Oh, meta. Also, kind of neat and topical.
And here is where I make my dream come true!
Any interesting ideas for how to use tinsel garlands, oh ye who haunt my slumber?
Image via.