
Straight Into The Suitcase

We packed up and left home for the city in a hurry; more of a hurry than was necessary, but once we made the decision to leave, it seemed important that we get on the road as quickly as we could. The thing was, we had been planning to stick it out (not expecting it to take more than a couple of days to restore power), but being that out of touch with the world and having literally no idea what was going on with anyone other than ourselves and our next-door neighbors was too bizarre.

And once I realized that I was starting to worry about where our son was going to get his milk once the stuff in the refrigerator went bad (because our grocery store had a distinctly 28 Days Later vibe going on – no milk, no water, no fresh produce, nothing): see ya. (Because it bears repeating: I feel so lucky that we had somewhere to go.)

I didn’t think too much about what I was bringing to wear, because a) that wasn’t a major priority, what with the downed power lines and all, and b) I didn’t expect to be here for more than a couple of days, but it turns out that we’re staying put for the time being, so I’m happy that my autopilot threw in a couple of variations on an outfit that works for pretty much anything, matches decently enough that I’ll be able to wear it to a meeting this afternoon, and is layered enough to accommodate various temperatures.

Basically, this is what I’ve been wearing for the past couple of days: a slouchy knit hat, skinny grey jeans, boots with comfortable heels, and a leather jacket. Not an Alexander McQueen cuff, though: that part’s just for fantasizing purposes.

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