
Spotlight On: Ben-Amun by Isaac Manevitz

Meet one of my favorite jewelry lines of all time. Ben-Amun is like what a 1920s-era princess who decides to go wild for a few days, in like, Ibiza would wear: big stones, crazy detailing, oversized silhouettes…but still elegant, somehow. And the best part is that it’s technically “costume” jewelry (even though it doesn’t look like it), so it’s much more affordable than it looks.


OK, so I kind of freaked out about what happened in this photo. (In a good way.) That man up there is Isaac Manevitz – the designer of Ben-Amun jewelry – and a few weeks ago, at a brunch in the city, I met him…and completely fangirl-ed out, both because of his work and because he and his wife are the loveliest people ever, and basically babysat Goldie the entire time we were there.

And then – and then! This is so cool. They had me sit down and work with Isaac on a custom piece (let’s use the term “work” loosely; the sum total of my contribution was to say “ooh, I like those colors”…because when you’re next to a spectacularly talented jewelry designer, my feeling is you let him go ahead and be spectacularly talented).

Anyway, it was the coolest experience ever. And what a lovely thing, the fact that a designer with such an obvious personal aesthetic would take the time to listen to a fan of his work and actually incorporate her specific preferences into a piece; it just speaks to his focus on making each woman who wears his work feel beautiful in a completely unique way.

Want to see the necklace? It just arrived last night, and I fangirl-ed out all over again.

ben amun necklace

Da daaaa. It’s so over-the-top. I love it.

Some of my favorite Ben-Amun pieces for this winter (including asymmetrical ear cuffs, rainbow earrings, pearls that loop around your neck over and over and over again, and this sort of hand-necklace thing – the third image up there – that has to be tried on to be fully appreciated).

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