
Ramshackle Glam: The New Mom’s Haphazard Guide To (Almost) Having It All…On Sale Now!

It’s here!

In celebration and enormous thanks for all of your support (which is the reason this book exists in the first place), I’m giving away three Thank You Packages.

The packages will include a signed copy of Ramshackle Glam: The New Mom’s Haphazard Guide To (Almost) Having It All, as well as a few more of my favorite things: face products from Simple, an Archipelago Cucumber candle, a Nissa Jewelry cigar band and first-knuckle ring, Elizabeth Arden Beautiful Color Gloss in Red Door Red, and a few more fun surprises.

Feel free to enter as many times as you want – all you have to do is comment below (but please use your real email address so I can get in touch with you if you win!).


Good luck!

Winners will be chosen at random. Contest closes April 4, 2014.

Congrats to winners Kristin, Kat and Deb! I also couldn’t just stick to three winners, so congrats also to runners-up Emily N., Mary Elizabeth and Kim, who I’ll be sending a signed copy to as well. All winners have been notified via email.


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