Mix-and-match dishes from Noritake China
Apparently it is fall. Well, not technically - not until the 22nd - but to me, once Labor Day Weekend is over and school has begun: it's fall.
The weather here would like me to know that I am wrong on this point. Yesterday was without a doubt the hottest day I have experienced since I moved to California. (I'm not entirely sure that it technically was, but it definitely felt that way; I was practically fainting by the time I got home from school pickup, and ended up stealing my son's second apple juice from his backpack so that I didn't actually pass out. Granted, my assessment mayyyy have been influenced by the fact that I spent a couple of hours prior to that wandering around in the open sun collecting petition signatures - which is another story; the salient point for the purposes of this particular post is that 95 degrees feels like approximately 1,000 degrees when you are standing in a parking lot explaining student-to-teacher ratios and getting all fired up about what constitutes a "fair wage.")