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Turn, Turn, Turn

fall table with mix and match dishes

Mix-and-match dishes from Noritake China

Apparently it is fall. Well, not technically - not until the 22nd - but to me, once Labor Day Weekend is over and school has begun: it's fall.

The weather here would like me to know that I am wrong on this point. Yesterday was without a doubt the hottest day I have experienced since I moved to California. (I'm not entirely sure that it technically was, but it definitely felt that way; I was practically fainting by the time I got home from school pickup, and ended up stealing my son's second apple juice from his backpack so that I didn't actually pass out. Granted, my assessment mayyyy have been influenced by the fact that I spent a couple of hours prior to that wandering around in the open sun collecting petition signatures - which is another story; the salient point for the purposes of this particular post is that 95 degrees feels like approximately 1,000 degrees when you are standing in a parking lot explaining student-to-teacher ratios and getting all fired up about what constitutes a "fair wage.")

My Looks


Alum Rock Park San Jose, California

Dress (similar, for $28) Boots (similar) Camera Bag Hat

Today in Superb Life Choices: wearing 2 1/2 inch heels to hike in the woods. In my defense, "hiking" (and the associated crossing-of-streams) wasn't on the original schedule; we were just planning a quick picnic lunch in a nearby state park before heading to a party...but then Indy spotted a creek, and:


On The Road (Again)

st louis television shoot on set

That's a wrap on St. Louis!

I've spent a ton of time this summer with my cohost for the project I'm working on. Together we drag suitcases down hotel corridors, crawl into Suburbans for five seconds of sweet, sweet air conditioning, and commiserate over our mutual dislike of the straight-from-a-box scrambled eggs that hotel chains all over the country offer up in their "delicious! complimentary! breakfast bar!" We also talk and talk and talk, because that's what you do when you're hanging around on a set all day.

My cohost is more of a veteran of television work (and the associated travel schedule) than I am, so I've been picking his brain for hints about what life will look like should our project continue beyond this summer - basically, should our show get picked up for series and should neither of us get replaced (something I won't know for a couple of months at least). I ask question after question...but whenever I hear his descriptions of "life on the road" I feel my heart rate speed up. He talks about evenings spent perched on top of washing machines in Holiday Inn basements because you're fresh out of clean clothing. About waking up and not being entirely sure what city you're in. About weeks going by without a single glimpse of home. These words don't just "bum me out" - they put me into pure fight or flight mode.


Links & Love & Stuff

Virginia Heffernan's Magic and Loss

OK. You have to read that book pictured up there. Have to. Erin sent it to me a couple of weeks ago with a note saying that I had to read it immediately, and she was right: I started reading it on the plane to St. Louis, and then could not stop. You know how everyone (myself included) is constantly bemoaning how we live in an increasingly online - and thus disconnected - world? Magic and Loss suggests that the Internet isn't an abandonment of cultural and social traditions, or even "progress"'s just, very simply, what happened next. Virginia Heffernan's explorations of everything from "hyperlexia" (I have it; so do you) to the poetry of Twitter are must-reads. So seriously: go read this. It's going to change how you see...well, your life.

I've mentioned the brand before, but I still cannot get over how obsessed I am with Mociun jewelry. The rings are obviously their star pieces (oooooo this one), but please look at these earrings. They're like the perfect wear everywhere, every day pair...with a twist. Loooooove.

This video of a bunch of 12-year-old boys consoling a team they beat in a soccer tournament is BEAUTIFUL. (Kids Show Us How To Have Compassion in Victory, via Now This.)


Some Late(ish)-Night Rationalizing

Pictured here are a couple of outtakes from the shoot I did to accompany this post about Audible. (And speaking of: THANK YOU for all the suggestions for family-friendly books that you gave me over on Instagram! I love them love them love them. More please!)

I don't typically post photos that I've posted other versions of before, but I'm putting these here because...well, because we're wrapping that project that I've been shooting all summer this week, and I spent all day en route to St. Louis. And on the flight I did something very odd for me, which was spend the time reading an actual, words-printed-on-paper book from start to finish rather than reading six pages and then getting stressed, opening up my laptop, and trying to work. 


The Most Important Question On The Planet: Snapchat Vs. Instagram Stories

Oh, so you already Tweet/Facebook/Blog/Instagram/Snapchat? Cool! Except not really, because a) Twitter is for cavepeople and b) now you need to be creating Instagram Stories too.

(YOU GUYS. I JUST joined Snapchat like four weeks ago - @ramshackleglam, if you'd like to see Kendrick choking on peppers and me wrapping my feet in delayed-action acid - and I am already one of the Olds who does not understand what the spring chickens are up to these days.)

OK, so I love Snapchat. I didn't participate in it for a long enough time that it got weird, given what I do for a living, and then I started doing it, and discovered that it is my absolute favorite outlet precisely because I can just be 100% myself and have fun on it. And then, like two days later, I found out that Instagram was trying to co-opt Snapchat by giving users their own way to post embarrassing/terrible/inexcusable videos that would disappear within twenty-four hours (unless someone takes a screenshot, but that's a different story).


All Together Now

Is the Toyota 4Runner a good car for families

Me, about to be entertained while stuck in traffic.

It was Kendrick who first introduced me to Audible. (If you’re not familiar with Audible, it’s a site where you can download and listen to books, magazines, and radio and TV programs; you can download a book as part of a free thirty-day trial trial here if you want to try it out.) He’d been using the Audible app on his phone to listen to books on his way to and from school, making the hour-and-a-half drive both more fun and more constructive: he chose books he’d always wanted to read but had never had time to dive into, like Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years Of Solitude. And then we drove cross-country with two kids, and discovered that Audible isn’t just a cool way to easily access and listen to tons and tons of books – it’s a way for the whole family to listen to them together.

When driving long distances, there’s always a temptation for each person to settle into their “thing.” The driver is listening to the radio; the passenger is reading a book; the kids are watching iPads or drawing or whatever. But to us, a big part of the constant road-tripping that we do is getting to spend all that concentrated time in the car together – and honestly, there are few things more fun than getting to introduce your children to your favorite books from childhood (while getting to enjoy them yourself all over again). So we decided to incorporate audio books into our drives, making the discovery - and rediscovery - of these books not just a solitary joy, but a family pastime.


The Rock

castle rock in the santa cruz mountains

Castle Rock Santa Cruz Mountains

Blanket | Overalls | Sneakers | Bag | Picnic Basket

Want to know one of my secret, weird reasons for wanting to move here? Every single one of my friends from college who grew up in California ended up going back. They spent a couple of years in Boston or New York, maybe a year or two going to grad school somewhere else...and then they went home. They tell me that they couldn't imagine living any other place; that once you know what it's like to live in California you never want to leave - and even if you do leave for a moment, you always return.


The glam | camp Summer Bummer Sale Is Live!

glam camp shop sale

We're clearing out inventory for the start of the new season (and because Erin would like to be able to be able to turn around in her office), and that means it's time for a big old end-of-season sale: 20% off of everything from now through September 5.

What's On Sale

 Blankets! I take these blankets with me everywhere. I use them as throws in the winter and beach blankets in the summer. I leave one in the car to cover my kids with if they get cold or if some blanket-requiring disaster occurs (which happens more than you'd think). This one is covering a white futon in my daughter's room that I don't feel like cleaning every thirty seconds. I've even started taking one or two with me when I travel, because they're so soft that they make even the scratchiest, most miserable hotel bed cozy. (I really do this. I know it's a little weird.)

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