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What’s Bigger

california hollywood apartment

West Hollywood, 2004

I know it's common to be scared of death, but I'm paralyzed by it. I can't think about it, can't entertain the idea of it, and certainly can't talk about it, because talking means feeling and feeling is too much. I wish I was all zen and wise and brave about something that I have dealt with in the past, and am going to have to deal with more and more as time goes on, but I'm not.

Take my dogs, for example: I'm going to outlive them. Those are deaths that I'm going to have to deal with - and likely in the not-too-distant future - no matter how much I dread them and try to pretend otherwise. But I always figured that when the day arrives that something happens to one of my dogs, I will fall to pieces, and will need to hand the reins of dealing with the logistics off to someone better-equipped than I (which would be anyone).

My Looks

Last Dance

bright yellow brick wall

And with the Spring Formal (I cannot believe I am thirty-three years old and once again going to spring formals, but hey, I'll take it), the Business School Experience has come to a close. (Well, technically Kendrick doesn't graduate until next Monday, but I think it's safe to say that this was officially the last school dance of our lives.) We weren't even planning to go, but then my mom offered to babysit and to lend me a dress so I didn't have to go digging through box after box after box in search of a gown that I'm not entirely certain that I even own, and so what the hell:

Spring Formal it was.

You guys, it was SO MUCH FUN. Since it was all very last-minute we decided to just grab dinner on the way up, and we ended up stopping at this completely random Italian restaurant in Port Chester that was straight out of 1956...and not in an ironic way; in a wood paneling and shrimp scampi way. We were the youngest people in there by approximately fifty years. (Obviously I loved it, and ordered the lasagna.)


Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts (All Under $100)

mother's day 2015 mother son

Mother's Day is one of those holidays that always used to take me by surprise.

All of a sudden it's The Day Before, and oops, now I'm doing a mad dash to find the one place in all of New York City that's not completely booked for brunch and running around to every store in town to find something that isn't a candle (or at least is a very cool candle). Now that I'm a mother, of course, I know EXACTLY when Mother's Day is and am very, very, keenly aware of each moment that it draws closer, because it is MY DAY.


And it involves sleep, and the in-bed delivery of bacon.


How To Find The Right Broker

black and white moroccan tile red dress

Anyone out there on the hunt for a broker?

...In the South Bay, specifically?

I know quite a lot of you are at this very moment answering a resounding (and vaguely depressed) "yes" to this question, because whoa have I ever gotten a lot of "THIS IS THE WORST NO BUT SERIOUSLY JORDAN IT'S THE WORST" emails lamenting the disaster that is real-estate purchasing in Silicon Valley. So: I thought I would pass on my recommendation. As miserable as it was trying to buy a house in what might very well be the hottest market that has ever existed anywhere, at any time, for all eternity...Kirsten Reilly and Fran Papapietro of Sereno Group made it better.

I'm a very, very big believer in the wonder that is finding a broker who's the right fit for you - to this day, I'm close friends with the woman who helped us find our Tarrytown house - and think it's all about finding that balance between someone you want speaking on your behalf (because they will be, and in very emotionally and financially weighty situations), and finding someone who you straight-up want to spend time with. Because you will be spending a LOT of time with them, and things will get very personal between you. (My brokers know everything from my income to what my kids are into at the moment to why Kendrick and I had that fight that one time, because I had it while sitting in a car next to one of them. Like I said: things get personal.)


How To Stage Your House For Sale

how to sell your house home staging get more money

So...we found a house.


Yaaaa! (Oh, let me tell you: there have been tears these past few days. Good ones, because we found a house that we love, and slightly less-good ones, because we have never actually set foot in said house, making this purchase a mildly stressful one. But mostly good ones, because I thought this was going to be impossible, and it very nearly was, and now: house!)


The Most Awesomest Day

nose piercing problem hurt ripped out

I hate raccoons.

Hate them.

So I figure any day that starts with me crawling around in our driveway scooping up piles of raccoon-destroyed trash bags (including a whole bag of dirty diapers, just for kicks) with my bare hands has nowhere to go but up, right?

Wrong. Because OH MY GOD, what happened next.

Makeup & Beauty

Genius Discovery: Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream

yu be moisturizing skin cream dry

OK, we need to have a conversation about this stuff, because it is AMAZING.

You know when your lips get so chapped that the chapped-ness extends, like, onto your face? And it's both painful and not-especially-cute? I've had that for the past couple of weeks, for whatever reason (changing seasons? not drinking enough water? who knows). I've tried every single lip balm in my artillery (which is a LOT of lip balms), and nothing made the slightest bit of difference; the area seemed completely impenetrable to moisture.

And then I came across a tiny tube of this stuff in my drawer - I have no idea where it came from, or why it's there - and thought, what the hell. It's not lip balm, but the word "moisturizing" is in there, so.


Present Obsession: All The Rugs In The World

turkish red rug living room vintage

I can't own rugs.

Or...I mean, one day maybe I'll be able to own a rug. When I have a serious, sit-down conversation with my dogs about what activities are and are not appropriate to engage in when confronted with a rug (or maybe when I suck it up and finally hire someone who knows what they're doing to train my untrainable little disasters).

But oh god, my rug fantasies. I have so many of them. White rugs, patterned Turkish rugs, cowhide rugs, pink rugs (ooo pink rugs) them all. Want them all.


How To Let Your Wedding Guests Know They Don’t Get A Plus One

A. Oh, this can be awkward. I feel you.

We were on a maaaajor budget for our wedding, and were super strict about who was allowed to bring a plus one and who wasn't, but...that's something about our wedding that I regret. A wedding is for the couple, yes, but the best weddings are the ones where the focus is placed on everyone having fun...and for some people, having a plus one is the difference between having fun and feeling kind of miserable.

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