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An Abridged History Of My Body

Before you read this, I think I should tell you why I wrote it.

The other day, my friend Erin wrote a post about her "mom bod," to explain why she created this sweatshirt on glam | camp. She showed photos of her postpartum stomach, described how it can happily hold in its folds a package of mum-mums (mine can, too; I tried). She talked about how poorly she used to treat her body, how poorly others used to treat it, and how her relationship to it changed once she became a mother.  She suggested that I also write about my own experience with my body, and how becoming a mother has affected it. I didn't want to, because it sounded frightening...and then I realized that I had to, because it sounded frightening. When you're in tears before your fingertips even touch the keyboard, you know that you've hit on something that you need to get to the bottom of.

So I thought and thought, and what I realized was that for me it hasn't been a journey of learning to love the curves and the shape of my body (it's been that, too, but that's another story for another day) as much as it has been learning to treasure the very stuff of it, the meat and bones and blood. The life of it.

I wouldn't say that my relationship with my body has, historically, been an especially positive one. Not because I don't "like" it, in the "do you like what you see when you look in the mirror?" sense (I do, more on some days than on others, but generally I do), but because it's always felt like a danger zone, a virtual ocean of opportunities to be wounded.


What’s In My Bag


Like most women, I carry my life in my bag. The whole thing.

There's a good reason for this: I have to physically tote anything I want to put on or in my body along with me when I leave the house, because guess what's not happening in my life? Things like planning for snacks or putting on a face of make-up. I mean, I love the idea of sitting down and lingering over coffee and the's just not even in the realm of possibility lately, not when there are two people who need cereal (three kinds, all mixed together in highly specific proportions) and tooth-brushing and dressing and toy-locating and et cetera et cetera.

So I take it all with me. Makeup, snacks, jewelry, toys, the works. It's the only way.


Winter At The Beach

Current/Elliot Tank | Kenneth Cole Flares (similar) | Vintage Bracelet (similar)

(This tank top is WAY too expensive for a tank top, but it's surprisingly worth it just because of how very, very, very good it is - and how much you'll wear it.)

You guys, we were on the beach yesterday. In NOVEMBER. We rolled around in the sand, examined discarded crab shells, chased seagulls. I wore that tank top and jeans, but I could have easily been in a bathing suit.


Spook Town

OK, so I spent the past three years living one town over from Sleepy Hollow - a.k.a. Washington Irving's town, a.k.a. where the Haunted Horseman lives, a.k.a. Halloween Central. They really know how to do the Halloween thing over there, so I was expecting this year to be a little bit of a downer, spectacle-wise.

I have never in my life seen a town get into Halloween the way that the town we went to for trick-or-treating (Los Gatos, where our friends live) does. There were light shows. Some kind of nuclear power reactor display with steam and alarms. Costumed locals performing a fully-staged Thriller dance. A Britney Spears I'm a Slave for You snake that licked me (thereby eliciting from me exactly the reaction you'd expect, which was panic).


Carrying On: Style, Beauty, Decor (and More) for the Nervous New Mom…Now Available For Preorder!

Carrying On: Style, Beauty, Decor (and More) for the Nervous New Mom, by Jordan Re's here!

I'm so excited to finally be able to show you the cover art for my second book, Carrying On: Style, Beauty, Decor (and More) for the Nervous New Mom. The book is a pregnancy memoir that I wrote while I was expecting Goldie. It's peppered throughout with beauty, fashion, and home decor ideas, but mostly it's a personal account of what life is like when you're expecting, with tales of epic fashion disasters, throwdown battles against the Mom Police, horrifying shower-stall incidents, and (much) more.

This book is the most personal thing I've ever written, and having it finally be out there feels both exhilarating and - of course - terrifying. It'll be in stores around the end of the year, but you can preorder it on Amazon now. Thank you so, so much for your support - it really does mean everything to me.


A Ramble About Insomnia, Because Coffee


First, I would like to announce that I am at this very moment sitting in heaven. It's a place called Whimsy located a few towns over from me, and it's a half-cafe half-play space where you can hang out and drink coffee and use the free WiFi while your children get their organic toy on (in Northern California, apparently, toys are not toys unless they are Melissa & Doug toys). Your children are watched by a bunch of lovely young women who will come get you if they need something, but basically:

You are alone. In relative silence. With coffee.


Links & Love & Stuff

| Follow on Instagram @ramshackleglam

 Blue jean babies. (My favorites for little girls are these and these; favorites for little boys are these.)

 I just discovered this pillows-and-throws brand - I stumbled across it at a store in Burlingame - and aaaaaaaaaahhhh I love it. And the prices are really good, especially for pieces that feel this luxe. (This blanket and this pillow are my personal faves.)


Five Fall Decor Ideas I Don’t Totally Hate


Fall decor, to me, is a little tricky. Just the whole dried gourds/wheat/pinecones/orange/tartan's very easy for it to feel dated and a little too fussy for my taste.

But I'm also kind of bummed every time I scroll through my Instagram feed and see photo after photo of my New York friends running around in the leaves with their kids - I used to live in the epicenter of the Grand Autumnal Experience, and here it's...well, it's like 80 degrees outside. I saw some leaves on the ground; that was exciting. But it is not a New England fall, and despite the fact that no number of pumpkins are going to make it feel like one, it's still nice to pretend.


Friendsgiving On The Way

Ohio | 2013

If you've been reading here for awhile, you know that for the past few years, we've road-tripped to Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with Kendrick's extended family. It's a trip that we really love - it has historically included things like seat dancing, Quaker Steak 'n' Lube wings, stops into the Cracker Barrel gift shop, and sometimes a pregnancy announcement - but this year that trip is obviously not in the cards. All the stuff that we've "traditionally" done around the holiday season is going to be a little different now (we've decided, for example, to have my parents come out to stay with us before Christmas and then fly to see Kendrick's family right afterwards), and I guess that's a little sad...but it's also going to be fun, figuring out what our new traditions are in this new life we've landed in.

Anyway, for this Thanksgiving we're doing something we've never done before: staying at our place and hosting a few East Coast friends who are driving up from LA. Our own kind of little displaced-New-Yorkers-gone-Californian party.

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