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Why We Wait

Jordan Reid with her son and daughter

You know that ramen place I keep mentioning? The one with the line so insane that you have to show up an hour before it opens and get your name on the waiting list if you want to eat anytime in the near future?

We keep going back.

Every single time, we say that we're going to leave at exactly 10:10AM - the precise minute that would get us to the restaurant in time to have our name be among the first on the list. And then, according to this plan, we'll hang out at a playground or get coffee or something before heading back to the restaurant at 11:30, at which point the restaurant will finally opens its doors so we can eat our perfect, perfect ramen and go about the rest of our day all happy and full of soup.


The Most Un-Me Thing I Have Ever Written

Presenting: my grocery list for yesterday's trip to Whole Foods.

What. Is going. On.

I mean, kale? Almond milk? HEMP SEEDS? Who is this person, and what has she done with the cheese-puff-loving me I have come to know and tolerate? (Nothing, actually; I just eat organic Trader Joe's cheese puffs now. And I eat them for breakfast, so there.)


My 10 Best Buys Of 2015

Jordan Reid of Ramshackle Glam in a gold dress

I saw a post on a friend's blog the other day about her best purchases from the past year. I can't link to it because I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw it, but I'm assuming that it must have been a friend's site because I tend to only read blogs written by friends (mostly because whenever I go on a professional blogger's site the only thing that happens is I panic because I start realizing that I am doing everything - like, everything in my life wrong). Anyway, it got me thinking about what my own best purchases from 2015 would be.

The real best purchase, of course, was our house. I was standing outside with Goldie yesterday morning, just leaning against the car and waiting for Kendrick and Indy to come out so we could get started on our day, and I looked up at the foothills and the palm trees and whispered to her, "We live here." It never stops being amazing to me: the fact that we just changed everything, just like that. And now here we are.

But let's set all those grand, life-changing decisions aside for a moment. In no particular order, here are ten little (and sometimes big) luxuries that I picked up in 2015 that ended up being totally worth the investment.


Grownup Writer Fantasies, Instagram Husbands And (Much) More

Jordan Reid lifestyle blogger at Ramshackle Glam

Here is today's brutally true intro: I first got to know today's interviewee due to my lurking around on various sites that round up news on lifestyle bloggers of note...

Talked how far away actual book-writing is from the Grownup Writer fantasies I had as a child, exactly how I annoy my children, the truth about sponsorships and all sorts of other fun stuff in today's interview (one of my favorites I've ever done) over on

Read the whole thing here.


Oh Yeezus.

I'm sorry you guys, I really do try to keep things positive around here because if you can't say something nice et cetera et cetera, but I saw this photo and actually cackled. Like, out loud.

LOOK AT HOW MISERABLE SHE LOOKS. She's like "Hey Kanye, thanks so much for the holes in my clothing and my nonexistent ability to use my hands. Also I am broke because you charged me three thousand dollars for the pleasure of being bulky and cold and unable to hold a sandwich. Also I'm not wearing pants. And are those tiny leather patches on my shoulders?"

Kanye West should be declared a national treasure. He just gives me such joy.


Current Furniture Faves

If you liked the images in today's Pinterest post - and I'm assuming you probably do, because Pinterest says they are perfect and Pinterest is always right - I poked around on the Internet to find some similar furnishings, each and every one of which I am presently lusting after in a big way.

(Absolute favorite piece is that southwestern CB2 rug. Augggggh love it.)


10 Decor Tips That Pinterest Taught Me

Pinterest's primary function in my life is to make me realize that I am wildly inadequate in virtually every area of my existence. Mostly in my ability to artfully light and photograph my dinner, but I have also learned that many, many things about me are lacking, from my nail polish application skills to my window treatments to the fact that I persist in buying Ben & Jerry's rather than churning my own mixed-berry frozen yogurt in a crate that I hand-crafted from toothpicks, pom poms and dreams.

But another thing that Pinterest has taught me is actually quite a lot about home decor. I've always been a big believer in letting your freak flag fly when it comes to your home, filling it up with things that aren't just "pretty," but remind you of the places and people and things you love the most - that have actual stories - but still: sometimes it helps to take a step back, examine what's around you, and look for the simple little fixes that can make an enormous difference.

Let's discuss.


Family Album

There are a lot of nice things about the digital age, and the age of digital cameras in particular. As examples: you get to take twenty million photographs of your child’s first year of life, and don’t have to pay to get all those photos developed in order to find the single group shot in which everyone’s eyes are open and no one looks like they’ve been awake for 60 hours straight. You can send your mom pictures of your trip to the beach while you still have your feet planted in the sand. Several years’ worth of family photos take up no more space in your house than the three inches required to store an external hard drive.

But the albums. I never get over how much I miss having actual, hold-them-in-your-hands albums to page through. There’s just something about them that’s romantic; that makes those memories you captured feel…I don’t know, more alive, somehow.

My parents-in-law have especially lamented the fact that they don’t have many hard copies of photos of us and the kids, and so for Christmas I decided to make them an album of some favorite shots from the past few years using Canon’s hdAlbum service. I’ve thought about trying out a program like this from time to time, but have always been a little intimidated by the process. But you guys? It was SO EASY. And SO FUN.


Links & Love & Stuff

Comfortable grey Kale sweatshirt by Suburban Riot

 I prefer my kale in sweatshirt form, thanks. (You can get one of your own here.)

 No matter how many hours you spent on the phone with Comcast today (oh, was that just me?), this cocktail tray is here to remind you that at least at the end of it all there was wine.

 Anthropologie is having a Winter Tag Sale and it's really good. (I love this shawled cashmere wrap and these Citizens of Humanity overalls. And on the home decor front, these dipped sisal baskets.) Take an extra 25% off of sale prices using code TAGTIME.


Smashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Caviar

Discovery: I really, really like caviar. But I do not like very much of it, because as delicious as it is, it's also fish eggs, and my psyche can only handle eating so many unhatched fish babies. So when we opened our little tin of caviar on New Year's Eve, despite the fact that there were only maybe two big tablespoons' worth of eggs in it, we only ended up eating about half.

I figured that was fine; we'd just eat the rest later, but then Francesca and I were talking about caviar on the phone while I was driving around running errands (we don't usually talk about things like caviar, I promise; I'm not quite sure how this happened) and she googled "how long does caviar last" for me, and it turns out it's fine when it's all sealed away in a jar, but once you open it you better get on it.

So I went home and got on it.

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