
Packed And Ready To Go (Video)

Over the weekend, I discovered a previously unknown talent of mine.

I am really, really, bizarrely good at taping up boxes.

I know this may not sound like an especially noteworthy talent, but both Kendrick and my mother, upon seeing me attack a box with a roll of tape, said something to the effect of, “Whoa. You’re pretty efficient there” (or, to be more precise, Kendrick said “Holy s–t, what are you doing to that box?”).

You guys, I am a really good taper. I think I may have found my calling.

Packing skills aside, this move went incredibly smoothly. I used a self-packing moving service (more on that coming up) and used Thumbtack to find a mover to pack up the trailer…and the mover I found was GREAT. Not only did he come over for a pre-move evaluation of what, exactly, had to be done, he emailed me packing suggestions and a list of suggested supplies, showed up on time to the minute, and were even more careful with my stuff than I would have been (I was super worried about how my Ugly Blue Lamp would survive the move, but am now confident that it will emerge from the truck intact). And then he did some kind of crazy origami to fit all of my earthly possessions into a weirdly small space.

Packing, check.

Thumbtack is a partner of Ramshackle Glam.

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