
New York Cake Pops

OK, we have to have a conversation about New York Cake Pops.

First, let me apologize for the iPhone photo. I had no idea that this thing (snagged at the Ippolita event) would be post-worthy until I took a bite…and rendered it simultaneously completely unphotogenic and nonexistent.

Fortunately, the Internet is an excellent resource for solving this kind of problem!

Ta da.

I mean, I’ve had cake pops before…but…


It was like slightly undercooked brownie batter wrapped in a mildly sweet vanilla shell…


(I love sprinkles.)

It was one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted. I mean that.

Please order these New York Cake Pops to serve at your next party. Do it for me.

Click here for menu and pricing.

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