
My First-Ever Wedding Speech…

…totally went off without a hitch. Whew! While prepping for this speech, I got some great advice from readers. Here are some of the tips that you guys sent in:

1. Start off by explaining how you know the bride (and/or the groom, whichever is applicable).

2. Incorporate a personal story (funny is good, not funny is fine too if that’s not your style) that speaks to something important about the bride and groom’s relationship. I talked about how, when I visited Tim and Parisa in London, I completely destroyed their white carpet within ten minutes of arriving, and how their response, to me, was so indicative of what they prioritize: their relationships with family, friends, and each other.

3. Say something nice about the groom, too. I called Tim “devastatingly charming”…which he is 🙂

4. Keep it relatively short. I think my speech ran approximately 2 1/2 minutes, which felt about right.

And now for my #1 public-speaking tip: if you’re nervous (or even if you’re not), make sure to stand with your weight evenly distributed on both feet. I know that sounds a little random, but I learned that tip in a class I took when I was studying for a Master’s in Hospitality (also a little random, I know…I was a bit confused there for awhile), and it did wonders for my public speaking. Popping your hip out to one side or standing with your feet crossed, as many women naturally seem to do, just makes you feel a bit more unsteady and ups the nerves factor.

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