
Mason Jars / Billions of Uses

Because he knows me quite well, Matt brought me just about the perfect gift when he visited from Ohio: a case of Ball Mason jars. I adore these things, both because they can be used in about a billion different ways, and because they’re just so simple, old-fashioned, and gorgeous. I plan to use a few as drinking glasses (I have a little habit of breaking mine, and could use some extras), a few for fruit infusions, and a couple as vases.

More ways to use Mason jars:

– Storing jams and jellies (check for cracks and chips first; only perfect-condition jars can be used for food storage)

– Loose change jar

– Storing sewing supplies/cotton balls/odds-and-ends

– Storing homemade vanilla extract

– Creating recipe-in-a-jars

– Candle vases

– Storing dry goods (sugar, flour, pasta, etc)

– Catching fruit flies (just fill them with a mix of sugar and water, and punch holes in the top that are just big enough for the flies to get through)

– Elegant beverage service at a party, as pictured above (image via FarFlungFiancee)

The best places to find Mason jars are at your local thrift stores and flea markets (you can find some really gorgeous colors and patterns), but they can also be purchased online, or at pretty much any hardware store.

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