
Weekend Snapshots: With The Girls

I had kind of a lot of fun this weekend.

First of all, I went out. I mean, not really “out”, more like Francesca was staying at our place for the night, and after dinner we started talking about maybe going out for a drink somewhere, and I said “but it’s 8PM“, and she looked at me like I was a crazy person.

And so I put on my new heels and threw my wallet into my purse, and Francesca looked at me like I was a crazy person again and said, “Jordan, you need to put on pants.”

And I realized that alright, she may be correct in her estimation that my very pill-y and ratty old leggings are maybe not the best choice of attire even for the darkest and tiniest of dive bars, and I put on pants. That looked like leggings. Because I am stubborn.

And so Francesca, my pants and I took a taxi down to the completely dark Main Street and had tequila shots and Budweisers at The Setback Inn, and did that crying-laughing thing remembering the disasters we used to get into, and admired our Christmas Friendship Rings (the Hannah Warner bone rings above), and played the Rolling Stones on the jukebox, and were back home and giggling in the kitchen by 10.

And it was the best, and then we were up with the sun making bacon and baked eggs and playing bluegrass on the radio while we decided where to go next.

On Sunday, after some very delicious toast at Bella’s Diner (honestly, why would anyone in any diner anywhere make the decision to serve toast that has not been pre-buttered?) I had another Girls’ Outing – I headed over to my friend Katie’s place so we could get all our boys together for some playtime while we told each other stories with the bad words bleeped out and ate something called an “Almost-Good-For-You Club Sandwich” (which was more “good” than “good for you”, but that’s OK).

So fun.

The kind of fun that sends little people catapulting head-first into naptime before we can book it home.

But so fun.

I needed a weekend like that. Thanks, girls :).

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