
Bali Bed / Ubud Hanging Gardens

Earlier today, I saw this photo posted on my Tumblr (via FYBeds), and it got me reminiscing about our bedroom in Bali (where we honeymooned, in addition to Bangkok, Phuket, and the Phi Phi Islands). It was awesome.

This was it.

See how happy it made me?

Our hotel in Bali, Ubud Hanging Gardens, was our “splurge” hotel (all the other ones we stayed at on the trip were varying degrees of nice, because we were helped out significantly by our honeymoon registry…but this one was just insane), and it was worth every penny. Which was many, many pennies less than a comparable hotel in, say, the Caribbean, would have cost us.

We decided to save the beaches for day trips and stay in Ubud, the artist’s community in the center of the island. And yeah, we spent a lot of time wandering around the town, taking painting classes, and such…but it was usually pretty tough to leave the resort. Why?

This is what the grounds of Ubud Hanging Gardens look like:

(That’s Kendrick giving me a heart attack while doing his Indiana Jones impression: “Only in the leap from the lion’s head will he prove his worth…”)

And this is the pool:

Oh my god, right?

And on the last night, Kendrick arranged to have us eat a private candlelit dinner in an ancient temple followed by a guided walk through the woods and a riverside massage under the stars.

It was up there in the most incredible experiences of my life.

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