
Links & Love & Stuff

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:) Look at this awesome package of San Francisco-themed loveliness that arrived from my friends at ShopStyle! It smells like HEAVEN ON TOAST, mostly I think because of that candle.

:) When I was a teenager it was all about Coach and Kate Spade, and I’ve been really fascinated by the changes that both brands have made in the years since – basically, they upped their price point and their cache and et cetera et cetera and basically elevated themselves out of the appealing-to-tweens market. Which makes this article about Michael Kors bags and the rabid desire for them from the 13-year-old set super interesting. (via The Cut)

:) This woman refused to take her husband off of life support, against the advice of his doctors…and he woke up. (via SheKnows)

:) This crewneck top has the most awesome sleeves and is basically perfect.

:) Apparently Lilly Pulitzer’s new line for Target broke the Internet (for reals). It’s pretty cute, guys. (My favorites: this most precious toddler girl dress, this crazy-cool floor pillow, this retro romper thingie, and this floral lounge chair.)

:) This article on the importance of getting face time with your adolescent children will seriously make you think (The Case For Taking Parental Leave When Your Children Are Teenagers, via NY Mag).

:) This has to be a joke. …Right? (This Reddit User Posted The Worst Birthday Invitation Ever, via SheKnows.)

:) Goodness gracious this romper is sexy. (Also a little embarrassed that I just mentioned rompers twice in one post. Hmm.)

thann sanctuary spa tarrytown

:) I went back to the Thann Sanctuary Spa at the Castle Hotel, and seriously guys: go. If you are anywhere in the TriState area: go. Go early (you can take the MetroNorth and a $5 taxi if you don’t have a car), get your treatment, which is pretty besides the point because the point is the hours and hours you spend zenning out in the lounge, and then walk yourself on up to the Castle restaurant and have some fries and a glass of wine, and then be all blissy and weird and go home and fall asleep immediately.

:) Omg I want a BRRR-ito.

:) Cannot stop thinking about these bellbottoms and massively loving them.

:) Bottle up those emotions, kids! Don’t feeeeel, don’t let them knooooow. (Horrible Parenting Advice From Disney Characters, via Mommyish.)

:) Yeah, it’s expensive, but you know what? I think Ippolita’s Lollipop necklace is worth the price for a (very) special occasion: it’s beautiful, and classic, and goes with everything, and it’s probably the one piece of jewelry I’ve gotten more compliments on than any other. (I’d go for clear quartz or blue topaz.)

:) There are few things more freeing in life than letting go of hating your body. I’ve talked about my own journey before and will talk about it more in the future, I’m sure. This is a good read. (From Size 2 To 10: One Editor’s Journey To Body Acceptance, via InStyle.)

:) “I never had to look for confidence because I just wore what I wanted to wear.” God I love Iris Apfel. (Iris Apfel on Being Famous, via NY Mag.)

kendrick strauch yale

:) So this happened and my heart exploded.

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