
Links & Love & Stuff

:) I legit cannot stop crafting. I am also aware that RG is not a crafting blog exactly, but I can’t help it: must share. So many ridiculous handmade whatsits coming up. So many!

:) The look on Angelina Jolie’s face when she ran into one of the Sony execs who slammed her in those leaked emails is EVERYTHING.

:) You have to hear how much Pharrell made for downloads of “Happy.” It’s depressing, mostly because it makes you think about what musicians who are not Pharrell make. …Can somebody fix this, please?

:) In search of last-minute Christmas gifts? Any of the above (we’ve got gifts for men, women, kids and the home) are guaranteed to arrive by Christmas Eve if you order by noon today. Hurry hurry!

:) Would it be so wrong to forego this month’s mortgage payment in exchange for this bag?

:) My lovely friend Becca just relaunched her site, MommyEverAfter, and it is wonderful and honest and raw and I love it.

:) Yeah, yeah, we’ve all seen the Christian the Lion video. But it’s almost Christmas Eve and I think we need to watch it again.

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:) If you are still looking for a Christmas gift for a small person in your life, allow me to suggest this. Our son has been obsessed with the thing for TWO YEARS, and it looks like the next generation has a similar affinity for motorcycles that play Smash Mouth (really). Also: goodness I love her. Cheeks!

:) I’m kind of hot and cold on Sarah Jessica Parker’s shoe line generally, but these are really good. And red. And 60% off, thereby eliminating my major quibble with her shoes (which is the ridiculous price).

:) Speaking of shoes, this New Year’s let’s go for heels we can actually dance in, shall we?

:) Cool, so now Jessica Simpson is getting thin-slammed. Ugh. (via TheGloss.)

:) Good to know that as a society we’re bravely taking on the scourge of “manspreading.” (via The NYTimes.)

:) Could Obama possibly be more awesome? Nope. (via The Washington Post.)

:) Puppies! In boxes! (via Huffpo.)

:) My friends Ryan and Giovanna made the single best pregnancy announcement I have ever seen. Zero exaggeration. You have to watch it.

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