
Links & Love & Stuff

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The orangest sweater in the whole wide world is now my favoritest sweater in the whole wide world (Ralph Lauren, from TJMaxx; I saw a bunch there so run run run if you, too, enjoy looking like a citrus fruit). In related news, I would like Francesca to come live with me and photobomb all of my Instagram pictures, please.

This slideshow of what really happens during a baby’s first hour of life is so cool.

This list of Things Not To Do In NYC is pretty spot-on. Mostly the advice about avoiding that one empty subway car during rush hour.

This double-finger Dogeared ring is subtler than most multi-finger styles…and is surprisingly wearable. Love love love.

Tavi Gevinson and Janet Mock’s discussion of navel-gazing and being honest with your audience is really interesting; especially like Mock’s observation that “You shouldn’t be worried about winning readers’ trust…You should be worried about trusting yourself to be vulnerable.” I’ve been struggling a little with that lately, and it’s a good reminder.

According to everyone in the world, apparently, NARS Semi-Matte Lipstick in Heat Wave is the best red lipstick ever. I’m dying to try it.

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Did you know that LAGOS makes the most adorable stacking rings ever? True story.

Such a good ex-boyfriend shirt.

My under eye puffiness is one of my major problem spots, and I test out a lot of under eye creams. Perfective Ceuticals Anti-Imperfection Eye Therapy Cream with Growth Factor contains all sorts of cool ingredients that do all kinds of cool things (increase collagen production, protect skin against environmental damage, etc)…but for me, what it comes down to is that I see immediate results whenever I use it. Recommended.

Want a three-thousand dollar backpack? Me neither. Fun to look at, though.

Every once in awhile Kendrick – or someone at my son’s school, or at the grocery store, or wherever – will accidentally call me “Mom” (as in, “Hey Mom, can you pass that?”), and it’s surprised me how much of a knee-jerk negative reaction I have to that. I’ve never quite understood why it bothers me to have someone other than my kids refer to me as “Mom” or “Mommy,” but this NYT article is dead-on in its explanation.

Look! It’s an earring party!

LOL at 25 Drinks And What They Should Actually Be Called (apparently my drink of choice should be called “My Tastes And/Or Financial Standing Have Not Evolved Since Age 19”).

Nothing wrong with a really great cream-colored cable-knit sweater…and especially nothing wrong with one for this price.

Paternity leave has a ton of benefits…and also comes with a ton of stigma. (Paternity Leave: The Rewards and the Remaining Stigma, via NYT)

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