Nashelle Ring Noritake Bowl
NARS Nail Polish
Ummmm this may be one of the most delicious pasta recipes I have ever made in my life, and I never thought I would say something like that about a non-tomato-sauce-inclusive pasta recipe. Forget about one that actually includes…
wait for it…
KALE. (I know: who am I?!?!) Honestly, you have to make it. It’s insanely good.
In my internal life, I am the kind of woman who wears crisp button-downs that have recently been in contact with an iron, adorable ankle-length pants that don’t have finger paint on them, and beautiful flats that have not been stepped on by soccer cleats. (Apparently in my internal life I am also French.) In reality, I think we’re aware that this is not precisely what’s going on. But maybe if I picked up one of these I’d be a step closer? …Maybe?
Related: I feel like if I owned this button-down maybe I’d not have to wear anything else for all eternity.
The sunglasses I’m into lately have just the slightest cat-eye. Cheap version; Fancy version (AH so good).
You know the registry site Gugu Guru, which lets you customize your baby registry based on your personal style (and offers great, off-the-beaten-path recommendations)? Here’s a fun Q&A with the founder in which she reveals the most popular registry items on the site – several of which I’ve never heard of before – and lists some fun registry splurge ideas…and says that I’m her “style crush” (blushing!).
Gorgeous neckline on this top. Also please check out the rear view of this bodysuit. Love.
I obviously need to own this and then wear it on Halloween. Every year.
Forget “petting” this teddy bear puppy. I need to consume him. EEEEEE.
John Oliver breaks it down – and kills it – once again. (Clinton’s Scandals May Upset You, but You Should Then Be Fucking Outraged By Trump’s, via Vox.)
This is an excellent present for a mother of young children who need to tell her why eating Skittles will make them smarter at 6:45AM on a Sunday.
My hands are a bit of a mess (always, but especially so lately for whatever reason). Using right now: Hand MD’s anti-aging serum/moisturizing duo. Light and non-sticky and lovely.
Oh, and! I posted about this on Snapchat, but I also recently tried a Korean hand mask (similar to the foot peel thing I did a couple of weeks ago, but minus the whole “acid” part), and it was kinda cool. The results weren’t anything spectacular – but I definitely noticed that my hands were softer and that my cuticles were significantly less dry, and for 20 minutes sans acid, that seems like a pretty decent result.
This piece on those “what’s wrong with me?!” feelings that so often come along with dating is dead-on, and is exactly the kind of thing I would have wanted (or needed) to read when I was single. (The Only Dating Advice I Need, via Washington Post.)
Both my daughter and I are all about NARS polish in Trouville lately. It’s the perfect not-too-bubblegum (but also not-too-sheer) pink.
Today in totally non-divisive topics: whether the blogosphere has created a new form of child labor (including my own thoughts on the issue). (Is Creating ‘Mommy Blog’ Content the New Child Labor, via Daily Dot.)
My son’s red scooter got stolen, which was sad, but now we own this awesome thing (in green)…and a bike lock.
“We didn’t change any zodiac signs, we just did the math.” NASA’s reaction to everyone freaking out about the fact that they “changed the zodiac signs” is pretty funny. (NASA: We Didn’t Change Your Zodiac Sign Because Astrology Isn’t Even Real, via Inverse.)
Seriously, ladies: can we all just agree that there are some things that women over 30 simply must not wear?
I’m starting to plan my son’s birthday party, and this list of 40 kids’ party games – many of which I’ve never heard of before; all of which sound super fun – is GREAT (via TinyPrints).
Currently reading: The Opposite Of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money. I don’t usually read these kinds of books (parenting advice, self-help, etc; I’m more of an autobiography/fiction reader), but I picked this up in an airport and every page I turned to had phenomenal ideas on it. Next up on my reading list: All At Sea. (As always, book recommendations are suuuuuuper welcome!)
I’ve been trying to get my son to meditate with me, with predictable results (“MOM THIS IS SO BORING”), but still: this is genius. (This School Replaced Detention with Meditation, and the Results are Stunning, via UpWorthy.)
I’ve been meaning to pick up headphones for my kids, but have been kinda eeehhhhh, they can just use whatever old ones we have laying around. And then I found out about these. Stop.
Already ripe avocados? Get out of here with that nonsense, Ralphs. I’m from New York, where in lieu of avocados grocery stores put out six hundred petrified dragon eggs, and shoppers must squeeze every last one of them before buying the softest but still rock-hard option, and then bring it home and watch it go from unripe to completely rotten without ever once being edible. That’s how New Yorkers do avocados.
If you are a resident of New York or California (or know anyone who is) you have probably read the post quoted above already, but if you haven’t please do, because yes, this, exactly. (No, I’m From New York, via The New Yorker.)
I am OBSESSED with this chandelier. (I also do not have 11k to spend on a chandelier. This one has a similar vibe and is equally awesome.)
If you follow me on Snapchat, you have borne witness to my four-year-old consuming a live clam. (A LIVE. CLAM. Because from everything on the menu at Berkeley’s Joshu-Ya – which also includes things like…oh, I don’t know, hamburgers – a still-squirming clam is what he chose to consume.) (If you missed this insanity, you should probably follow me on Snapchat.)