
Links & Love & Stuff: XXL Edition, With Lots Of Links That Link To…Me (Sorry)

I’ve been sort of busy lately. Book promotion surrounding the release date, as it turns out, involves near-daily interviews and mailings and emails and pitches and such, which has resulted in me spending a lot of time writing a lot tons of articles for sites other than this one. And so this XXL link roundup contains far too many links that relate to me personally and/or were actually written by me. I’m sorry. They’re fun, though, I promise 🙂 .

Maybe skip the new puppy, definitely don’t think about what’s happening to your areolas, and for god’s sake, avoid any and all pregnancy books written by bloggers. (23 Things Pregnant People Probably Could Do But Seriously Should Not, via The Bump.)

 Erin’s interview for the (awesome) Atomic Moms podcast is seriously a must-listen. She covers everything from the (very weird) story of how we met to motherhood in sobriety and being okay with just being “good enough.” I don’t think she’s ever done a podcast interview before, and her unfiltered approach is honestly pretty stunning. (And if you missed my appearance on the podcast last week, you can give it a listen here. I talked about things I’ve never talked about before because host Ellie Knaus got me all disarmed and such, and it was exciting and cathartic and fun.)

 I’m just going to show you three things that would not make me sad to receive for Mother’s Day. You know, in case *someone* is reading and feels like randomly picking an item from this list. (He’s not reading. It’s fun to show you anyway.) This, this, or these (for wearing around the house), please.

Bay Area moms-to-be (or people who know moms-to-be) (or people who are moms) (or people who are awesome): come hang at the San Francisco Moms Blog​ BLOOM event on May 7. Killer swag bags and inspiring conversations and more. Register here.

 These half-booties/half-sandals are super cute for that weird little transitional period when boots seem clunky and sandals will make all those nice ladies at the supermarket (like all of them) stop you to say, “Goodness, aren’t you FREEZING?!”

 Here’s a list of the funniest kids’ books according to 14 authors, in case you’re a little over Goodnight Moon and are in need of some new options. (The Funniest Books For Kids, According To Authors, via Brightly.)

This Times article tells the story of Jane, an underground group in Chicago that carried out thousands of abortions between 1969 and 1973, when abortion was illegal. It’s an important – and fascinating – read. (The Amateur Abortionists, via NY Times.)

Sneak peek of the giveaway that I have coming up next week: if you’re one of the three winners, one of the many (oh, many) prizes you’ll have shipped right to your doorstep (in addition to a signed copy of The Big Fat Activity Book For Pregnant People, of course), is…ba da daaaaa…$150 to Pottery Barn Kids, which is just enough to cover one of the coolest, most adult-decor-friendly (meaning non-sheep-covered) baby bouncers I’ve ever laid eyes on. (I know. I’m excited too.) You’re also going to get a pair of these in whatever size and style you like best. And oh man, so much more. So just as a reminder: If you already bought the book or are planning to – well, first, THANK YOU. And second: hold onto that receipt, because it’s going to buy you extra chances to win, and I would really, really, really like you to win.

the big fat activity book for pregnant people

Yeah, don’t say that to a pregnant person. Don’t say anything else on this list, either.  (17 Things You Should Never Say To A Pregnant Person If You Value Your Life, via Buzzfeed.)

 These Madewell tees are lightweight and classic and perfect and under $20, and I think you should stock up on them now.

 Whether you’re self-employed or working in a super-rigid office, it’s a fact: once you welcome a baby, your work life becomes a completely different beast. Lauren Smith Brody, author of The Fifth Trimester, GETS IT: the childcare anxiety, the sleep deprivation, that initial burst of “I want to quit” panic, all of it. Personally, this is a book I needed to read.

 This bag is gorgeous. I don’t exactly think you should buy it, because I’m not sure what you could put in it…I just think you should look at it. (This one is a less expensive take on the look that also makes a little more sense to me.)

If you can legally pitch a tent, this seems kind of like a steal, TBH. (Buy This Lovely San Francisco Alley for Just $35,000, via NY Post.)

 This afternoon (4/27), I’m doing an Instagram takeover during my trip to Rent The Runway’s NYC store, so come hang out with me on my IG and theirs and help me figure out what to wear to tonight’s launch event, K?

Currently reading: Young & Hungry: Your Complete Guide to a Delicious Life. Doable recipes + straightforward advice for young women about everything from friendship to health. It’s targeted at teens and young adults – and so obviously I’m not exactly the target audience – but I love how Gabi Moskowitz (who’s the inspiration behind the hit Disney show of the same name) lets readers know that even if you’re broke, you can still be super passionate about food…and you can still eat (really, really) well.

 Not a link, but it needs to be said: If you are a parent of a boy/parent/human, please do not watch Moonlight and Lion in quick succession while sitting on an airplane next to a total stranger, because you will seriously freak them out with all your ugly-crying.

mitz accessories gender neutral rainbow dress

 Mitz Accessories – a line of gender-equal clothing that aims at removing stereotypes from children’s attire – sent Goldie this dress. It has spikes made of clouds running down its back. I am obsessed (and obviously so is she).

In case you’re a pregnant person feeling hungry for your daily helping of unsolicited advice, here you go. (23 Things Pregnant People Could Probably Do, But Seriously Should Not, via The Bump.)

“It’s unthinkable, and it’s definitely unspeakable, but women all over the world are coming forward to say it: I regret having my children.” Whoa. I don’t relate to this personally, but I certainly get it, and very much empathize with women who feel this way. FASCINATING. (Inside the Growing Movement of Women Who Wish They Had Never Had Children, via Elle.)

I have definitely wrapped garbage bags around my feet to get through mud piles or frat houses at various points in my life. These sandals evoke those extremely unglamorous moments almost exactly…and yet…I want them. Whyyyyyy.

So now I need to get married again. (Brides Can Now Hire Llamas To Be At Their Wedding In Fancy Attire, via

Related: I cannot believe this stunning wedding gown is under $1,500.

Science matters. Here’s just one of the many, many reasons why. (Science Saved My Life, via Salon.)

Omgggg these look so uncomfortable.

The parent that came up with this just schooled us all. (Mom Makes Kids Share A T-Shirt And Slow Dance Whenever They Argue, via Viral Thread.)

I hate the swings. (For The Mom Who Hates The Swings, via Happiest Home.)

 Joe Biden Fan Club Member over here. (Joe Biden Tells College Men: A Woman Who Is Dead Drunk Cannot Consent. You Are Raping Her, via Buzzfeed.)

This weekend, join the People’s Climate Movement and march for our communities and our climate. Find more information (and set up your own sister march) here. Also, NYC friends: On May 4, go to Trump Tower and let the toddler who’s “running” our country know that New York City streets don’t belong to him.

“If you have diarrhea, nausea, an achy pelvis, insomnia, and/or painful Braxton Hicks contractions while walking around town, congratulations, you are pregnant. At some point, you will likely give birth.” (And oh, so much more stunningly helpful information.) (The Impatient Woman’s Summary Of Google-Able Information On Early Birth Signs, via SF Moms Blog.)

the big fat activity book for pregnant people

 If you’re in the mood to enter some giveaways, giveaways of The Big Fat Activity Book For Pregnant People are currently running on these Instagram accounts: Stripes Boutique, Nadine Jolie Courtney, Fifth Trimester, and California Toddler. I’ll keep you updated as more pop up!

Cheese is one of the things, so you know this list is legit. (6 Things You Can Try to Beat Morning Sickness, via The Rumpus.)

 An article in defense of the artist behind Charging Bull (you know the statue on Wall Street of the bull that now stands opposite the Fearless Girl statue) that makes a ton of sense. (Seriously, The Guy Has A Point, via

Advice-giving articles on child-rearing that caution against too much screen time are not my favorite things to read, because ssssssssssh. This one, though, got me thinking. (Not about giving up screen time, because forget them – need it. About just keeping things…simpler.) (Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues, via HuffPo Canada.)

Beware the salesperson in the Baby Stuff Store. He is not your friend. (How To Register Without Crying, via The Bump.)

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