
The Camera Question

I get quite a lot of emails asking what kind of camera I use, and since this week I got to spend a fairly enormous chunk of time and money on a (much-needed) cleaning, minor repair, and a new lens, I thought I’d go ahead and answer the question right here.

This is it (albeit in reverse, thanks to the mirror shot): a Canon T1i. I own the kit lens (the no-frills one that comes with the camera), as well as a 50mm lens that I use for pretty much everything, including food photos, most fashion photos, and the photo above (basically, whenever you see a shot where the subject is in focus and the background is blurry, that’s the 50mm). On the pro side, the lens takes pretty great shots without any input of skill on my end whatsoever. On the minus side, it’s a fixed lens, so I have to physically move the camera (rather than zoom in and out) to get the shot I want.

And now I own a slightly higher-quality zoom lens that I bought used, and that the gentleman at the camera store assured me was good for people such as myself who take a lot of photos without actually being “photographers” (rarely adjusting the settings or employing anything but the most basic techniques). It’s OK; still like my 50mm better.

There you go! Camera.

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