
Last-Minute Mother’s Day Gifts (All Under $100)

all mother’s days should involve a walk in the woods. preferably while wearing camouflage underwear.

Mother’s Day is one of those holidays that always used to take me by surprise.

All of a sudden it’s The Day Before, and oops, now I’m doing a mad dash to find the one place in all of New York City that’s not completely booked for brunch and running around to every store in town to find something that isn’t a candle (or at least is a very cool candle). Now that I’m a mother, of course, I know EXACTLY when Mother’s Day is and am very, very, keenly aware of each moment that it draws closer, because it is MY DAY.


And it involves sleep, and the in-bed delivery of bacon.

This year, alas, Mother’s Day is doubling as Moving Day, so I suspect it will involve less “bacon” and more “hard labor.” So what I would like is to have one iota of one second to sit down with a mimosa and have somebody rub my feet. Doesn’t that sound nice? (We’ll see.)

If you’re on the hunt for a cool Mother’s Day gift and are as bad at remembering to pick up a gift in advance as I am, here you go: my favorite last-minute picks, all of which are from and are thus a mere mouse-click away, and none of which will require you to do any mad-dashing at all.

Also, if you have a mom-to-be in your life and want to get her a little splurge-ish gift: this, please. I have friends who took Polaroid photos during their post-birth hospital stay, and the images are just so amazing and make for such an awesome keepsake.

This post was created in collaboration with ShopStyle.

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