
Keurigs and Icy Things

Remember when I was hunting around for a great single-serving coffeemaker? I can’t remember if I ever mentioned that we ended up with a Keurig…or that it is now one of the great loves of my life. I’ve officially become one of those people who gets all excited about wandering around in the coffee aisle, and who strikes up conversations with total strangers about the relative merits of different varieties of K-Cups. (I know.)

I only have one cup of coffee (sometimes decaf, sometimes not) a day…but I love that cup to pieces. That said, a little icy action would probably be preferable on mornings when the thermostat tops 80, and so I was pretty excited to discover that the geniuses over at Keurig have neatly addressed this issue with the addition of tons of new iced tea and iced coffee flavors (many of which come in decaf), as well as…da da daaa!…a Celestial Seasonings Half Iced-Tea/Half-Lemonade (an Arnold Palmer, really).

Holy good. And not weird-faux-sweet at all.

And, incidentally, I hear (from Kendrick) that it makes a lovely evening cocktail with the addition of a splash of vodka, a couple of fresh lemon slices, a blanket spread out on the rooftop, and some very angry birds.

(In hot-coffee news, also have to recommend their Island Coconut flavor. We’re talking a warm tropical breeze in your mug. And the Milk Hot Chocolate is not to be sneezed at.)

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