I am 35 years old – 36 in two weeks – and I am writing a post about Kendall Jenner.
You know why?
Because I blame her.
First I blamed her for making me want to own a six-hundred-dollar sweatshirt despite the fact that this is patently ridiculous. And now I am blaming her for the fact that I want to own track pants. Because I saw a picture of her wearing track pants on the Internet last night, and she looked so adorable in her track pants that I clicked through the post to find out where I could buy track pants to look adorable in, and now I’m embarrassed with myself. (I still want track pants, though.)
Serious question: When I salivate over Kendall Jenner’s clothing, am I mindlessly bending to the fickle whims of an advertising industry hell-bent on milking me for every last one of my hard-earned dollars? Or does Kendall Jenner actually just look so irritatingly attractive in everything she puts on that she makes people want to own it, whatever “it” is?
Why am I even talking about Kendall Jenner?
Why am I feeding the machine???
Let’s take a look at things Kendall Jenner has made me want to own, so we can give these questions the attention they deserve, but mostly so we can just look at them.
Here Are 10 Things Kendall Jenner Makes Me Think Might Be A Good Idea (Even Though I SERIOUSLY Know Better)
P.S. The “Shop” buttons will take you to versions that make a lot more sense.