
It’s A Very Ramshackle Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving weekend, I shall be moving. I shall not, therefore, be hosting anything other than the dust bunnies that have apparently been living underneath my couch all this time.

I will, however, be making – and eating beaucoup quantities of – turkey, because my friend Margo and I have decided to do Thanksgiving together (at her place, obviously). Kendrick and the kids are coming, and I’m so excited – I just want a day of eating and football games playing in the background and skateboarding in the driveway and family.

It will be a very Ramshackle Thanksgiving. And I mean that in the best possible way. Cheers to breaking the rules, making it work, and finding joy in the moment.


Citrusy Quinoa Salad With Pomegranates And Cranberries

This makes for a very, very pretty autumnal side dish, and an unexpected (and super-healthy) addition to your Thanksgiving table.


Orange, Cranberry and Cream Cheese Crackers

Sourced from a Trader Joe’s sample, so you KNOW it’s good.


Super Simple Pumpkin Soup

Besides being seasonally thematic and delicious, pumpkin has the added benefit of being an excellent addition to your beauty regimen – it contains enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids that increase cell turnover to brighten up skin, as well as Vitamins A and C to boost collagen production and prevent the signs of aging.


Last-Minute Biscuits

These biscuits take maybe five minutes to whip up (plus an additional 12-15 minutes baking time), and if you’re the kind of person who keeps shortening around, you almost certainly have everything you need sitting right there in your cupboard.


Asparagus, Bacon & New Potato Salad

This side dish is basically just three things that taste good all mixed together; it’s pretty tough to get wrong.


Sweet Potato Casserole

This Sweet Potato Casserole is as minimal-effort as it gets, and will likely be the most popular dish on the table. (After the pie, obviously.)


Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

People are very particular about their Brussels sprouts. This is how I like mine: Steamed until half-cooked, then finished off in a sauté pan with lots and lots of salty bacon, a little lemon, and salt.


Smashed Potatoes with Sour Cream and Caviar

If you’re feeling like a fancier twist on traditional mashed potatoes…here you go. (We eat this every year on New Year’s Eve.)


Honey-Glazed Carrots

Straightforward, easy-to-prepare, and pretty.


Thomas Keller's Lemon Tart

This is insaaaaanely delicious- and surprisingly easy to make.


Easy Chocolate-Hazelnut Crostata

In my family, “pie” means “apple pie.” Especially on holidays: an apple pie (specifically my unscrewupable version, which was handed down from my mom) is just what’s getting made. Except more pie is good pie, and so I always make a second pie that’s…something else.

Let this crostata – which resembles a chocolate-y pecan pie, plus a touch of orange zest to lightenit up – be your something else.



You know what’s fun about Palomas (besides everything)? They’re light and fruity – so you’d imagine they’d be a strictly-for-summer cocktail – but the deep pink color and snowy (or, to be specific, sugary-salty) rim and general fabulousness make them perfect for the holidays. They’ve become my go-to seasonal drink.


And for your leftovers...

Turkey tetrazzini. Because the only thing better than Thanksgiving turkey is Thanksgivingturkey…plus pasta.

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