
Just A Little Career Evolution

As a wise woman once said: Let’s do the damn thing.

…Because why change just one part of your life, when you can change them all? Simultaneously!

So here’s my news for today: I’m starting (technically *have* started) a new business strategizing and developing content for consumer brands. I’ve been circling the idea of pulling the trigger on this for a long time – a couple of years, at least – and finally decided to go ahead and do it. And I have to say: I’m PSYCHED. Because RG has been my focus for nearly a decade now, and I love it so, but I also feel like I’ve learned a whole lot from running this site, and it’s time to expand and learn something new.


You know.

First, this is important: Ramshackle Glam isn’t going anywhere. I love writing here, mostly because I love you guys, and because writing here has become, very simply, what I do. I need this space, for many reasons – I think that’s been especially clear lately. But when it comes to integrated content (sponsorships, in other words), over the past couple of years I’ve become more and more interested in working with brands directly, rather than creating branded content to post on RG. I really enjoy the challenges associated with finding interesting ways to tell a company’s story, and my hope is that this redirection will give me the freedom to really explore the world of strategic development while giving RG the breathing room to be what it always fundamentally has been: a place where I can tell my own stories.

The site is called Influencer Wrangler – I wish I could take credit for the name, but I can’t; it came from a colleague who’s spent years working with influencers and has discovered, as so many others who work on the brand and agency side of the business have, how much of a pain they can be (oh, god, the stories I’ve heard). If you have thoughts or suggestions, I’m all about the advice-taking at this particular juncture, and would love to hear them. And of course, if any of you work with or for brands that are looking for in-house content strategy and creation and that you think might be a good fit based on what you’ve seen here over the years, I’m going to start taking on clients at the end of the month, and would love to connect.

Career evolution, commence!

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