
Indian Summer

Union Square Playground | NYC

OK, so New York City in October is the BEST. It’s all crisp air and blue skies and apples and kids in jackets (but not gloves or scarves) playing outdoors because they still can and stuff.

And so what I packed for this week’s trip was big chunky sweaters and hats and boots and a seriously cool army jacket that I bought on sale last spring. Yeah yeah yeah, the weather forecast said high ’60s/low ’70s, but weather forecasts can lie.


Indian Summer in NYC

Left: Vivienne Westwood Scarf (OBSESSED with this print) | Proenza Schouler Turtleneck | Inverni Hat | IDA Jeans | Burberry Bag (Auggggh so good) | Celine Sunnies | Ralph Lauren Booties

Right: Tom Ford Sunnies | Equipment Cami | Current/Elliott Jeans | Zara Flats

…Anyway it’s hot here. Like, kind of really hot. And so in the mornings I’ve been putting on my chunky turtlenecks, then taking a deep sigh and replacing them with the silk camis I brought “for layering.” And then I’ve been going down into the swamp pits of our subway system and sweating in my camis, too.

On the positive side: I’ve also discovered the best pair of transitional jeans ever. They are these (you can see pictures of me in them here), and they’re boyfriend-y and distressed but close-fitting enough to still feel a bit more polished, and I love where they hit on the leg (right at that slimmest part).

Also on the positive side: I’ve never cared a whole lot about weather-appropriate dressing, and have still been managing to throw my Highlands and favorite new sweatshirt on over the aforementioned jeans once night falls, so there’s that. Last night I wore the exact outfit I just described out to dinner with my friend Katie – we found a completely random sushi place in midtown that I think might have been some kind of extremely authentic and famous place, because despite the fact that it was completely empty when we walked in, within minutes it was packed with businessman types and we were being served tiny bowls of the kind of sushi that Anthony Bourdain writes about, as opposed to the kind of sushi I typically eat, and kept being handed warm towels in between each course (!), and when we got the bill…well, eeek/oops. At least my thigh-high boots got a night out, though. They needed one.

Today: off to meetings and then a shoot in mah new hair (woooo).

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