(Grilled cheese & bacon from Big Daddy’s.)
Grilled cheese, by the way, is a relatively new thing for me. In fact, as recently as two years ago I’d never even had a full one all to myself – just a bite here and there of other people’s. I know, you don’t believe me…but it’s true.
In fact, way back in September of 2009, I decided that my first all-my-own grilled cheese sandwich should be as good as humanly possible, so I went on a Grilled Cheese-Making Adventure.
I hit up the Union Square Greenmarket and Zabar’s, where I consulted with the experts (really) and figured out which fancy-pants bread, cheese and bacon would make for an absolutely spectacular sandwich.
I then hit up Google and did a little research on how to make the perfect grilled cheese, and applied my newfound knowledge to the assembly process. In addition to the gourmet sandwich, I made a second one using Pepperidge Farm bread, Kraft Singles, and leftover deli bacon (for comparison’s sake).
Unsurprisingly, the Kraft Singles ended up being the big winners. Isn’t that always how it is?