
Retiling An Entryway: Before And After (Video)

(Watch through to the end for a serious Goldie cameo.)

I’ve never had an entryway before. I mean, I’ve had doors that you walk through, and I guess the area on the “inside” side of those doors could technically be referred to as an “entryway,” but in our Manhattan apartments those spots were really just “the living room.” And in our Tarrytown place, the front door more or less opened directly onto the stairway, which was sort of weird (and sort of inconvenient, because it meant that there was also no coat closet, and if there is one thing you definitely need in Westchester it is a place to store your enormous, down-filled winter coat).

And now?


Goodness, was I ever psyched about the coat closet situation (as in: we have one). But I was slightly less psyched about the entryway itself, because what it looked like was…not much at all. It wasn’t “bad” – not at all, it was totally fine – it was just more “functional” than anything else, and I feel like an entryway is a really cool place to go bold with your decor both because it’s small, and because it’s the first spot your guests see when they step foot in your house. So why not, right?

Check out the video above to see what I did with the help of a tiling pro I found on Thumbtack, and click over to Lonny for a fun interview and more before-and-after shots of the project.

P.S. If you missed the first few videos in my Thumbtack series, here they are:

We Have Light!

…And Here We Are (Move-In Day)

How To Stage Your House For Sale

How To Pack Up Your House

Our Moving Day

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