
How to Make a Sunlife “Bliss Bowl” Dupe

I expect to get told by the overlords at Sunlife – the ultra-fancy SoCal smoothie-and-bowl mini-chain – to take this down, because trust: I have gone hunting for this recipe online, and no cigar, so I have to assume there’s a reason for that and the reason is Litigation.

But maybe not? It’s worth a shot to get this recipe up for you, because putting aside the unconscionable price of virtually everything at Sunlife (where bowls run from $19.75 up to $47.50 for the Billion Dollar Bowl), its Bliss Bowl ($22.95) is pretty much a perfect açaí situation.

But we like these enough that we need a lot of them, and at $22.45 each…well…no. So I experimented, and made one myself. It comes out to about $4 a bowl, takes only a few seconds to make, and lets me avoid the pickup counter scene at the Malibu location, because there are only so many teenage influencers I can handle encountering at once. I left out a few of the more expensive/complicated ingredients – goji berries and white mulberries, as an example – because meh.

Summary: Top marks all around, although the kids say it’d be even better with a tiny bit less almond butter. I say that they’re wrong. (P.S. Make sure to choose a granola with cacao nibs in it. Yarr.)

*Note: I’m not sure how I feel about my new Magic Bullet. I have to unscrew it and stir the contents a few times to make everything blend together easily, but that also seems like a problem that’s okay to have, so do as you will.

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