
Flower Arranging Tips

During yesterday’s Shelterpop / StyleList Home segment, I got an impromptu flower-arranging lesson from Amy.

Tips for a mixed-bloom bouquet:

When choosing flowers for someone else, go for just two colors (like yellow and white), or a monotone bouquet – the simpler your selection, the more likely it is that the recipient will love it.

– Remove all leaves close to the tops of the stems.

– Cut up multi-stem branches (like baby’s breath, which have a single stem that breaks off into lots of little differently-sized stems towards the top) and line them up so they’re all the same height.

– Arrange bouquets in your hand, rather than in a vase.

– Continuously turn the arrangement as you assemble it, so that you can see it from different angles and make sure that it’s even/search for holes to fill.

– Use twist-ties to secure.

Click here to learn how to make your own bridal bouquet (and here for the video).

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