
Egg Rings / Sort Of (Not Always) Genius

Over tea one afternoon, Trudy broke out these odd-looking things and asked me if I knew what they were. We deduced they were probably used for something egg-related, and after a little Googling we discovered that they are, in fact, called “egg rings.” The point of them is twofold: you create perfectly-shaped fried (or scrambled, or basted, or whatever) eggs, and you can make a whole bunch at the same time without fear that the whites will run into each other.

The eggs come out looking like this:

Perfectly English-muffin sized!

You can also use them for pancakes, as we decided to do the very next morning:

Eh. I wasn’t a huge fan. Pancakes come out pretty perfectly round anyway, and if you make the batter thick enough there’s no real danger that they’ll run into each other.

But I have to admit they turned out very uniformly shaped and lovely, so I may break out the egg rings for special breakfasts and egg-sandwich purposes.

Want to buy some egg rings for yourself? Click HERE if you’d like heart-shaped ones (I would!).

Poached egg image via RECIPEazy.

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