There are experiences in life that you just assume you’ll get around to having one day…but the day slips away, and more days pass, and all of a sudden you’re 43 years old, divorced and perimenopausal, and haven’t been to Europe in over two decades.
I lived in London, actually, a long time ago – I enrolled at University College London, in Camden, during my junior year of college. During breaks my friends and I traveled to the coast of Spain and the Greek islands, and I went on an ill-advised solo trip to Ireland during which I contracted the worst stomach bug of my life (so I got to know the bathroom in my hostel quite well, but that’s about it).

For context, this was how old I was the last time I set foot on European soil. Goodness gracious, look at that skin.
I guess I just thought…I don’t know, that a trip would present itself, somehow? Obviously that’s not a thing – trips to Europe just “presenting themselves” – but when I was married it was too expensive (not to mention a big nothankyou with two very small children), and after I my ex and I split it seemed too indulgent. I couldn’t take the time away from the kids. I couldn’t spend the money a Europe trip requires on a just-me thing. Something about traveling – not for any “reason,” just because I want to – as a single mother made me feel irresponsible. Paralyzed, even.
Except guess what? My ex has been to Europe…maybe…I dunno, eight times since we got divorced? Also New Zealand. For weeks at a time. (Yes.)
Anyway, I booked a ticket to Europe. Because F those double standards, yeah? (Yeah.)
The impetus to just go ahead and do it came when one of my most beloved friends, Deborah, moved with her family (all of whom I also adore) to Switzerland, and told me I was absolutely required to come visit her. Ohhhkayyyyy FINE I’ll go to Zurich and stay in your fairytale cottage home. ONLY IF YOU INSIST.

This is an actual photograph she took of her actual town.
Just before the New Year, I reached out to my assistant at Duckbill for help booking a ticket, and oh my god, please, my friends, start outsourcing your flight plans; it is so much better in every single way. Because as a result of said outsourcing, I discovered (well, my assistant did) that I could purchase Delta gift cards for myself and then use said gift cards to pay for the flight, thereby accruing five times the miles on the dollar. Oh, and I also instantly secured platinum status for the coming year. WHAT.
(…Do you see why I insist that you try Duckbill? I can’t tell you again that it has changed my life; I’ve said it too much.
OK, one more time: It has changed my life. (Sign up here and use code RAMSHACKLE for 50% off of two months’ service). In recent days, I’ve also asked my assistant to handle complex returns (time I’ve spent on the phone = 0), compile documents for a home equity line of credit, arrange a locksmith for my tenant, and facilitate a balance transfer on my credit card. It’s like crushing adulthood, except you don’t really have to do anything. (Oh, and for those of you who wanted to sign up for Duckbill but didn’t want to deal with a waitlist, good news! No more waitlist. Go!)
ANYWAY. TL;DR: I booked a round-trip ticket to Zurich via Heathrow and figured I’d sort out the rest when the time came.
The basic plan is to spend a week with Deborah in Switzerland (with a detour to St. Tropez, where she has an apartment)…but after that?
I got nothing.
Italy? Greece? Spain? What would you do if you had a solo week to spend doing whatever and wanted to be cost-conscious but also really do it right in case I never build up the wherewithal to do it again? Also remember that I am Old And Tired, so as much as I want to bop around to multiple countries, I don’t think I have it in me to do more than one or two places in a week.
Please, give me any and all of your thoughts; I am overwhelmed by excitement and options.