DIY Projects

Scent Your Home With Stuff You’ve Already Got

I’m a bit of a home scenting obsessive, but stocking up on candles can get super pricey. Fortunately, you can get all that lovely fragrance without shelling out a ton of cash (or any, really). All you need is just a tiny bit of craftiness (and I do mean “just a tiny bit,” promise).

Presenting: my favorite (easy) DIY Home Scents.


Pour some dried lavender into a frying pan, set it on the oven over low heat, and push it around with a wooden spoon until the fragrance is released.

Cinnamon Stick

Line a baking sheet with foil, and sprinkle on a couple of tablespoons of powdered cinnamon. Place the baking sheet in the oven on low heat.


Line a small oven-safe dish with foil and pour in 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Place the dish in the oven on low heat.

Citrus & Cinnamon

Toss a couple of cinnamon sticks and some orange rinds into a pot of gently boiling water. (Bonus: substitute red wine for that water, and you can drink the leftovers when you’re done smelling the stuff).

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