
DIY Body Scrub

When I was a kid, I ran a rollicking business in our building’s courtyard specializing in lanyard bracelets, “custom” lip balms, and body scrubs. And if 7-year-old me could make these things, you can too.

I’m almost positive that you already have the stuff you’ll need to put together a gorgeous – and gorgeously inexpensive! – DIY body scrub sitting in your kitchen at this very moment. Pour your concoction into a Mason jar or a pretty plastic jar (perfect for shipping) with a handmade label like the one pictured above, and you have everyone on your gift list covered for just pennies.

There are a million different ways to make body scrub, but really all you need is something that exfoliates (like sugar or coarse salt), something that moisturizes (like grapeseed oil, olive oil, or vitamin E oil), and something that smells lovely (like a few drops of essential oil or a bit of citrus zest). FYI, sugar scrubs are a little gentler than salt scrubs, and brown sugar scrubs are gentlest of all.

A few nice combinations:

– White sugar / Grapeseed oil / Lemon essential oil (or a little lemon zest)

– Brown sugar / Coconut oil / Vanilla extract

– Coarse salt / Olive oil / Lavender essential oil

– Coarse salt / Olive oil / Coffee grounds

– White sugar / Vitamin E oil / Rose essential oil

Click here to learn how to make an at-home recreation of Fresh’s excellent Brown Sugar Polishing Scrub (brown sugar + almond oil + lemon + honey).

And click here to print out salt scrub labels; here to print out sugar scrub labels.

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