
Demarle NonStick Bakeware / RG Reader Discount

Reader Jessica, who works with a company called Demarle, recently saw my strawberry cake-related troubles and wrote in to tell me about Demarle’s non-stick, non-toxic flexible bakeware (and to offer Ramshackle Glam readers a 15% discount off of the products).

Some of the top-sellers from the line:

Silpat: The #1 Must-Have; ideal for baking cookies or roasting veggies. Made with woven fiberglass throughout for even heating.

Perforated Baking Sheet: The floppy silicone bakeware sits on top of this baking sheet, which has holes in it that allow the heat to distribute evenly.

Round Mold: Great for everything from round cakes to roasting a chicken.

Roul’Pat: An non-stick surface for your counter; great for rolling out dough (flour not needed).

Madeleine Tray: Allows you to make cookies, scones or mini quiches in different shapes.

And they all roll up, making them excellent for storage (yay). I haven’t tried these products yet myself so I can’t vouch for them personally, but I do have a tendency to leave half of my cakes in the pan, so I’ll give them a go next time I bake and let you know what I think.

Check out all the products here, and if you’re interested in ordering (or if you have any questions) email Jessica at for your discount!

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