We’re doing a Superhero theme for the fam this year. Mostly because (1) last year Indy was Batman, so it’s sort of the natural next step towards Ultimate Superherodom (the final step being, of course, Wolverine…or possibly Gambit), (2) a Superhero theme means I get to be Catwoman, and a cat is what I am every single year because: lazy, and (3) it also means that Kendrick gets to be Clark Kent, requiring him to wear exactly what he usually wears plus a pair of glasses (see also: lazy).
So Indy is wearing an awesome Superman costume that our neighbors gave us.
He’s pretty excited about it. I took out a bunch of books from the library to try to explain to the concept of “Halloween” to him (and also the concept of “birthday”, since the two holidays are pretty close together) and we’re weren’t doing so hot (“Do you want to wear a costume?!” “No.” “Do you want to go trick or treating?!” “No.” “Are you excited for Halloween and your birthday?!?!” “NO.”)…but once I broke out the Superman outfit?
I think he got it. He jumped around and screamed a lot and then carried the cape around with him for the rest of the evening, in any case.
But oh, if we were in the market for a costume.
Oh, if we were.
We’d have to go for the triceratops, I think.